
How could i become a good Scripter?? can you tell me ??

Please i need to no best.. and i kknow that this is the best SAn-Andreas forum and site in the world ... THis is the most viewed Forum of San - Andreas in the WOrld ...
Please tell me

By coloring your text pink.

I was just messing around with the Stunt Universe script with no tutorials and stuff just by looking at it you can see where the teleports are cars are and objects are (Ctrl+F) then you can easily add your own things just from a outline. now I can script a bit like make my own things, change some settings, add cars. but there's still Many things to learn

Originally Posted by Sabzaky
How could i become a good Scripter?? can you tell me ??

Please i need to no best.. and i kknow that this is the best SAn-Andreas forum and site in the world ... THis is the most viewed Forum of San - Andreas in the WOrld ...
Please tell me
Not that I'm any kind of expert, but I got my start by looking at the gamemodes that were included with the samp server. Started out with SFTDM back in 2006....by the time I was done I had Everystuff stunt server and the only thing remaining from SFTDM is my use of gTeam[playerid] haha.

Seriously...look at modes, read a lot of the scripting forums, test test test. 90% of the time somethign won't work but once it does...you'll never forget how to do it again.

Do NOT ask people to make things for you. Thats called being lazy. I don't care how hard it is to do something...do not ask someone (or worse...PAY someone) to do it for you.

https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Main_Page is a lot of help.

Thx all for the little help you gived to me ... BUT ofr me is a LOt ,, Thx Again!!

I personally think it's easy to learn, as the function are given very easy to unserstand names, like "PutPlayerInVehicle". It's immediately obvious what that function does, and with the wiki's big list of functions finding out things is easy.

Also, if you come across a problem, I can almost guarantee you it's been asked here 3+ times, so remember to SEARCH the forums before asking it again.

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