Need help knowing this object ID

Can anyone tell me what ID this object have?
I've searched and couldn't find!

I really need it.

Thanks you


I see it isn't custom mapping, you could try searching using a map editor. save the coords and search for those @ map editor

the problem is that i already search on Map Editor and couldn't find.

Can anyone help me?

it's in the police dept, ye? the sf one which isnt used in SP... you could try searching the mta map editr according to the tye of the model.. sory i can't think of any way else than these

already searched all the "Interior Objects" category!

Cannot find it

This probably isn't much help as I can't remember the name of it, but there is a program on another forum *gasp* that lets you select objects (default ingame objects) and might tell you their objectid.. Unfortunately I can't remember what it's called, or if it works with interiors, but there is hope!

med 0.32?

Orb saves the day yet again, the program I was referring to it what Orb said, just use .. a popular search engine...

So what shoud i do?

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