php read config file help

EDIT: i figured it out already!
this is a php question:

hers my problem, SAMP uses spaces in-between the varname and the vars so when im using php to explode the var, it only shows the first var.

heres the code:

$fp = fopen($config_file, "r");

	while (!feof($fp))
		$line = trim(fgets($fp));
		$pieces = explode(" ", $line);
		$option = trim($pieces[0]);
		$value = trim($pieces[1]);
		$config_values[$option] = $value;
and this explains more of the problem
hostname Cops And Robbes
0    1  2 3
i can only define to explode 1 OR 2 OR 3, how can i do them all except for 0?

thanks for any help!

anyone know php

EDIT: Got It! No Need To Let Me Know~!!

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