Text Draws (Once again)

Well, recently, Donny and JeNkStA have recently shown me how to properly read from a file with SendClientMessage.
I have taken the idea a step further, and am trying to use Text Draws.
Here's the portion of the code I'm working with that I am trying to display with Text Draws:
if(strcmp("browse", tmp, true, strlen(tmp)) == 0)
		  new Contents[128];
			new ForumRead[128];
			new File: rFile = fopen("forum.log", io_read);
			fread(rFile, Contents, sizeof(Contents));
			  while (fread(rFile, Contents, sizeof(Contents)))
			    format(ForumRead, sizeof(ForumRead), "%s", Contents);
			    Textdrawin = TextDrawCreate(99.000000,165.000000 + 8, ForumRead);
 		 			TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdrawin);
			return 1;
The problem that I am experiencing is trying to read from the file while displaying them via paragraphs. To elaborate: the text draws are created in the same position, and I'm trying to get them to display from different positions. Does anyone know how to do that properly?

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