Where can I find the ip of my sv?

plzzz help me i don't know were find

Its actually really easy. Just open up samp-server.exe and after that do the following steps:
1. If you want to test your server:
* Open samp.exe and click at the "Tick Icon" or lets say the first icon and add this ip:
* After that click at Ok and your server will appear
2. If you want your server to be online:
* Double Click at your internet icon. For example i have a .exe called Internet i open it and click and dial to connect to the internet.
* Now click at the two computers connected
* click at Details
* Then your internet ip should appear. Normally when you dont have a host your internet ip is your server ip now add your server click at the tick and do the steps i explained in Number 1
3. How to get your server online all the time 24/7!
* Really easy. Just find a right host. Maybe gta24.net can be helpful but i dont think if it is secure 2 euros for 100 slots
* After you host your server, open your admin cp and click at start server then your simple lvdm server will begin!
* the ip should be shown and the very end of the admin panel.
Hope this helped you.
Anyways 1 POST!

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