for Jaztek Roleplay Server.

hey guys i need help about a script for my scripter Mike_Toreno in our server...

we need help about

Returning after you crash or /q
When your game crashes, you'll be returned at the same position where you logged/crashed

and also the Mask system
We need mask system, once you are Level 5, you can buy a mask at 24/7. If you're wearing it, no-one can see your name. And you'll be with the unknown name too. Ex.: Stranger says: Stay cool.

please please... thank you guys.. I need your help..

We can't help you if we don't know how your code works...

just post the codes please...

We can't just post the codes and hope that it integrates with your server. We don't know if you use dudb or dini or something else to save info to a file or if you use mysql. We don't know how your leveling system works either. You need to show some examples or post your script on

As the guy above says, you can't script for someone elses script unless you have it infront of you and have spent minutes/hours trawling through it finding out how every bit runs.

For the questions you are asking, there is no 1 line solution. To return to your position after you logout, you will need to save the players co-ordinates to a file, by using something like mysql or dini.

To make the player name invisible you have to set the name colour to a value with 0% opacity.

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