Random server crashes

Heya guys this is getting annoying, but can often occur randomly especially when a player connects to the server
***Ste has joined the server - this message will appear and boom server reboots
Any ideas guys ? when it reboots sometimes there are no cars , spam kicks in and and player gets logged in... im baffled any ideas guys ? thanks for looking

Maybe its a scripting mistake

Yeah, its locating that mistake O.O could be a lonnnnnnggggg process

could be an empty textdraw

hummmm i do have a few textdraws :S what is an empty textdraw ?

It isnt necissarly a text draw, Anything could be causing this, GL trying to find it

If the crash is cause when a player connects, you'll have to guess and check what is causing the server to crash. Most likely you'll have to check OnPlayerConnect but something else could be the issue.

If its a problem with a certain think (OnPlayerConnect, OnPlayerCommandText, e.t.c) then either debug it useing print or comment out little chunks at a time until it starts working again

when you hit complie do you get ANY warnings or errors? even though im pretty sure if you even get 1 error then server.exe doesn't work.
Also are you doing a edit of a GM if so, redownload the original then try

I get a few warnings, thats it. No errors otherwise it would compile
it must be OnPlayerConnect i shud take i look, but i remember i used to have a textdraw OnPlayerConnect with i commented out :S so ill take a look thanks for the advise guyz.

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