03.04.2019, 19:35
Last edited by AnthonyGates; 03/04/2019 at 07:48 PM.
Reason: fixed typo
Hello! I'd like to make my server multilanguage.
I decided to make few mysql tables for the language (Table name: xy_lang Fields: key, value), and load their data to an array in SA-MP.
and use it like SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, Language[LANGUAGE_INDEX][KICK_MSG]);
My question is that the enumeration have a maximum limit or i can pass all the in-game texts in it? ex 3-4000 elements.
Is it possible? Is there any easy way to make this?
We have a complete list of one language right now in pawn code like:
This can be reusable in any other languages? How to?
I decided to make few mysql tables for the language (Table name: xy_lang Fields: key, value), and load their data to an array in SA-MP.
enum langInfo{ KICK_MSG[], BAN_MSG[], JOIN_MSG[], etc... }; new Language[MAX_LANGUAGE][langInfo];
My question is that the enumeration have a maximum limit or i can pass all the in-game texts in it? ex 3-4000 elements.
Is it possible? Is there any easy way to make this?
We have a complete list of one language right now in pawn code like:
new SQL_CONNECTION_STARTED[] = "SQL Connection was successful!", PLAYER_JOINED_SERVER[] = "%s has joined the server.", PLAYER_LEFT_SERVER[] = "%s has left the server.", PLAYER_KICKED_SERVER_MSG[] = "%s has been kicked from the server by %s.",