19.03.2019, 12:34
Problem: when i click on a vehicle i get the info for a premium vehicle not an expensive vehicle.
The price of premium vehicles are >= 10000000 and at expensive vehicles are <= 300000
The vehicles with price more ethan 6000 have id >= 63 & <= 96.
Dialog to carbuy4:
Dialog carbuy4:
The price of premium vehicles are >= 10000000 and at expensive vehicles are <= 300000
The vehicles with price more ethan 6000 have id >= 63 & <= 96.
Dialog to carbuy4:
new stringzz[MAX_STRING],stringy[MAX_STRING]; for(new xf = 0; xf < MAX_PERSONAL_CARS; xf++) { if(Stock[xf][vPrice] >= 6001 && Stock[xf][vPrice] < 310000) { format(stringy, sizeof(stringy), "%s (%s de lei) - %d in stoc\n", Stock[xf][vName], FormatNumber(Stock[xf][vPrice]), Stock[xf][vStock]); strcat(stringzz,stringy); } } ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CARBUY4, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Vehicule", stringzz, "Alege", "Anuleaza")
if(dialogid == DIALOG_CARBUY4) { if(response) { new regcheapcars; for(new xf = 0; xf < MAX_PERSONAL_CARS; xf++) { if(Stock[xf][vPrice] > 59999 && Stock[xf][vPrice] <= 300000) { regcheapcars = xf; } } new num = listitem + regcheapcars + 1; BuyCar[playerid] = num; new string33[256], stringtitle[256]; format(stringtitle, sizeof(stringtitle), "%s (%s de lei)", Stock[num][vName], FormatNumber(Stock[num][vPrice])); format(string33, sizeof(string33), "Nume: %s\nPret: %s\nStoc: %d\nViteza maxima: %s km/h", Stock[num][vName], FormatNumber(Stock[num][vPrice]), Stock[num][vStock], FormatNumber(Stock[num][vSpeed])); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CARBUY5, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, stringtitle, string33, "Cumpara", "Inapoi"); } return 1; }