[HELP]Gm burned bug

Salut. Am gm burned si cand fac o masina cu /createvehicle si ii setez factiunea 1 nu se pune sirena + text-ul cu police.. Ce pot sa ii fac? Am incercat toate metodele!

comanda: https://pastebin.com/6pNKpWUs

functia care adauga obiectele: https://pastebin.com/dA0dXzq0

Whenever i create vehicles with /createvehicle and i set the faction to 1/2/3 (LSPD/National guard/FBI) its not adding the siren and the POLICE text on the car.

Command: https://pastebin.com/6pNKpWUs

How object are added: https://pastebin.com/dA0dXzq0

First create vehicle, then add those stuff. And please put command here not on other site, it annoys me

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