17.01.2019, 12:40
Hi all.
- I recently added a gaming system, everything is ok, it saves the objects in the database and works perfectly, after the first restart I show only the last object added not the rest of the objects. I do not understand what might be the problem. Thank you!
* Picture with object added (save)
* Picture after restart, before it shows me that there are 3 out of 30 and now 1 out of 30
https://imgur.com/EXGO6vc - This is where objects are saved
and [pHouse] is houseky.
- I recently added a gaming system, everything is ok, it saves the objects in the database and works perfectly, after the first restart I show only the last object added not the rest of the objects. I do not understand what might be the problem. Thank you!
* Picture with object added (save)
* Picture after restart, before it shows me that there are 3 out of 30 and now 1 out of 30
https://imgur.com/EXGO6vc - This is where objects are saved
PHP код:
pc LoadFurnitures()
new objects = 0;
Total_FUR_Created = cache_num_rows();
new i,x;
objects ++;
cache_get_value_int(i, "ID", FurnitureInfo[x][fiID]);
cache_get_value_int(i, "Model", FurnitureInfo[x][fiModel]);
cache_get_value_float(i, "X", FurnitureInfo[x][fiX]);
cache_get_value_float(i, "Y", FurnitureInfo[x][fiY]);
cache_get_value_float(i, "Z", FurnitureInfo[x][fiZ]);
cache_get_value_float(i, "RotX", FurnitureInfo[x][fiRotX]);
cache_get_value_float(i, "RotY", FurnitureInfo[x][fiRotY]);
cache_get_value_float(i, "RotZ", FurnitureInfo[x][fiRotZ]);
cache_get_value_int(i, "Virtual", FurnitureInfo[x][fiVirtual]);
cache_get_value_int(i, "House", FurnitureInfo[x][fiHouse]);
FurnitureInfo[x][fiObject] = CreateDynamicObject(FurnitureInfo[x][fiModel], FurnitureInfo[x][fiX], FurnitureInfo[x][fiY], FurnitureInfo[x][fiZ], FurnitureInfo[x][fiRotX], FurnitureInfo[x][fiRotY], FurnitureInfo[x][fiRotZ], FurnitureInfo[x][fiVirtual], -1, -1, 200.0);
printf("[GAMEMODE]: Furniture Sistem Loaded %d object's", objects);
return 1;
PHP код:
pc SaveObject(const id)
format(query,sizeof(query),"UPDATE `fobjects` SET `Model`='%d', `X`='%f', `Y`='%f', `Z`='%f', `RotX`='%f', `RotY`='%f', `RotZ`='%f', `Virtual`='%d', `House`='%d' WHERE `ID`='%d'",
FurnitureInfo[id][fiModel], FurnitureInfo[id][fiX], FurnitureInfo[id][fiY], FurnitureInfo[id][fiZ], FurnitureInfo[id][fiRotX], FurnitureInfo[id][fiRotY], FurnitureInfo[id][fiRotZ], FurnitureInfo[id][fiVirtual], FurnitureInfo[id][fiHouse], id);
mysql_tquery(handle, query);
return 1;
PHP код:
stock GetHouseObjects(houseid)
new x;
for(new i = 0; i != sizeof(FurnitureInfo); i++)
if(FurnitureInfo[i][fiHouse] == houseid) x++;
return x;
PHP код:
format(strong,sizeof(strong), "{f9f7ce}Numele casei \t%s\n\
{f9f7ce}Chirie \t%s\n\
{f9f7ce}Casa inchisa \t%s\n\
{f9f7ce}Bani in casa \t%s$\n\
{f9f7ce}Materiale in casa \t%s\n\
{f9f7ce}Droguri in casa \t%s grame\n\
{f9f7ce}Mobilier casa \t%d/30 obiecte\n\
{f9f7ce}Editeaza mobilier",
HouseInfo[h][hName],renttext,locktext,FormatNumber(HouseInfo[h][hSeif]),FormatNumber(HouseInfo[h][hMats]),FormatNumber(HouseInfo[h][hDrugs]), GetHouseObjects(PlayerInfo[playerid][pHouse]));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_HM, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST, "{02901a}Meniu casa",strong, "Select", "Cancel");