Progress bar doesn't shows

I made a rob system,
When player aims on a shop keeper(actor) It is showing a progress bar and after progress bar filled it creates a pickup infront of player (pickup for robbed cash)

Problem is progress bar not showing please help me

My code __
pawn Code:
new PlayerBar:rbar[MAX_PLAYERS];
//under player connect
rbar[playerid] = CreatePlayerProgressBar(playerid, 493.000000, 369.000000, 101.000000, 3.200000, 16711935, 18.0000, 0);
timer calling each second
pawn Code:
forward RobTimer();
public RobTimer()
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_ACTORS; i++)
        if(i != INVALID_ACTOR_ID)
            if(JustRobbed[i] == false)
                if(robber[i] != -1) // shop is under rob
                    if(GetPlayerTargetActor(robber[i]) == i)
                        robtime[i] ++;
                        SetPlayerProgressBarValue(robber[i], rbar[robber[i]], robtime[i]);
                        if(robtime[i] == ROB_SUCCESS_TIME) // successfully robbed
                            HidePlayerProgressBar(robber[i], rbar[robber[i]]);
                            JustRobbed[i] = true;
                            SetTimerEx("EndJustRobbed", SHOP_ROB_REST * 1000, false, "i", i);
                            USERINFO[robber[i]][robbs] ++;
                            robtime[i] = -1;
                            new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
                            GetPlayerPos(robber[i], x, y, z);
                            robpick[i] = CreatePickup(1272, 8, x + 2, y, z, 0);
                    else //failed to rob
                        HidePlayerProgressBar(robber[i], rbar[robber[i]]);
                else // checking if somebody is robbing
                    foreach(new j : Player)
                        if(GetPlayerTargetActor(j) == i)
                            robber[i] = j;
                            robtime[i] = 0;
                            ShowPlayerProgressBar(j, rbar[j]);
                            ApplyActorAnimation(i, "ped", "handsup", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
                foreach(new j : Player)
                    if(GetPlayerTargetActor(j) == i) return SendClientMessage(j, COLOR_ERROR, "Sorry, The shop has been robbed before few minutes");
    return 1;

bump! anyone?



Originally Posted by Pottus
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I thought you are retired from samp scene anyway don't u have any ideas that wht may cause this error

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