Custom game launcher problem

Hey guys,

I am currently try to build a game launcher for my server using c#. The server is password protected, and I want to implement the password in the code (of the launcher ), but when the launcher connects to the server it is always says "wrong server password". I searched for information about this, looked up a lot of threads, but none of it helped me. I would really appreciate some help!

Saw some threads about launching samp.exe or gta_sa.exe with parameters, but it doesn't really worked for me.

Thank you in advance.

Not my code but the SAMPLauncherNET accomplished it, heres the code you'd probably want for your own implementation;

 public static void LaunchSAMP(Server server, string username, string serverPassword, string rconPassword, bool debug, bool quitWhenDone, bool createSessionLog, PluginDataContract[] plugins, Form f)
            if ((server != null) || debug)
                if (debug || server.IsValid)
                    IntPtr mh = Kernel32.GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll");
                    if (mh != IntPtr.Zero)
                        IntPtr load_library_w = Kernel32.GetProcAddress(mh, "LoadLibraryW");
                        if (load_library_w != IntPtr.Zero)
                            Kernel32.PROCESS_INFORMATION process_info;
                            Kernel32.STARTUPINFO startup_info = new Kernel32.STARTUPINFO();
                            if (CheckIfGTASanAndreasIsLaunchable)
                                string modified_username = ((username == null) ? "" : username.Trim().Replace(' ', '_'));
                                if (createSessionLog)
                                    lastMediaState = SessionProvider.GetCurrentMediaState();
                                    lastSessionData = new SessionDataContract(DateTime.Now, TimeSpan.Zero, SAMPProvider.CurrentVersion.Name, modified_username, (server == null) ? "" : server.IPPortString, (server == null) ? "" : server.Hostname, (server == null) ? "" : server.Gamemode, (server == null) ? "" : server.Language);
                                if (Kernel32.CreateProcess(GTASAExe, debug ? "-d" : "-c " + ((rconPassword == null) ? "" : rconPassword) + " -h " + server.IPv4AddressString + " -p " + server.Port + " -n " + modified_username + ((serverPassword == null) ? "" : (" -z " + serverPassword)), IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, false, /* DETACHED_PROCESS */ 0x8 | /* CREATE_SUSPENDED */ 0x4, IntPtr.Zero, ExeDir, ref startup_info, out process_info))
                                    InjectPlugin(SAMPDLLPath, process_info.hProcess, load_library_w);
                                    PluginDataContract[] load_plugins = ((plugins == null) ? PluginsDataIO : plugins);
                                    foreach (PluginDataContract plugin in load_plugins)
                                        if (plugin != null)
                                            if (plugin.Enabled)
                                                InstalledPlugin installed_plugin = PluginProvider.Update(plugin);
                                                if (installed_plugin != null)
                                                    InjectPlugin(installed_plugin.Path, process_info.hProcess, load_library_w);
                                    if ((f != null))
                                        if (quitWhenDone && (!createSessionLog))
                                        f.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;
By the looks of it the '-z' parameter is passed for the executable if it has a server password.

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