A little help! (Y_INI not saving properly)

Hello I made a Zone capture system it's also saving zone data on gamemode exit. But the problem is it's not saving the correct data on the file at gamemode exit plz someone help me here's the code

pawn Код:
new fstr[50];
    for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(ZONEINFO); i++)
        ZONEID[i] = GangZoneCreate( ZONEINFO[i][zminx], ZONEINFO[i][zminy], ZONEINFO[i][zmaxx], ZONEINFO[i][zmaxy]);
        DZONEID[i] = CreateDynamicRectangle( ZONEINFO[i][zminx], ZONEINFO[i][zminy], ZONEINFO[i][zmaxx], ZONEINFO[i][zmaxy]);
        format(fstr, sizeof(fstr), ZONEPATH, i + 1);
            new INI:zfile = INI_Open(fstr);
            INI_SetTag(zfile, "Zone data");
            INI_WriteString(zfile, "Zone_Name", ZONEINFO[i][zname]);
            INI_WriteBool(zfile, "Zone_Owned", false);
            INI_WriteHex(zfile, "Zone_Color", 0xC0C0C066);
            INI_WriteInt(zfile, "Zone_Owned_Team_ID", -1);
            INI_WriteString(zfile, "Zone_Owned_Team", "No_Team");

            INI_ParseFile(fstr, "LoadZoneData", .bExtra = true, .extra = i);
            INI_ParseFile(fstr, "LoadZoneData", .bExtra = true, .extra = i);

//loading data from file (Im not loading zone name because it's not changing [Zone names are in the script])
forward LoadZoneData(i, name[], value[]);
public LoadZoneData(i, name[], value[])
    INI_Bool("Zone_Owned", ZONEINFO[i][zowned]);
    INI_Hex("Zone_Color", ZONEINFO[i][zcolor]);
    INI_Int("Zone_Owned_Team_ID", ZONEINFO[i][zteamid]);
    INI_String("Zone_Owned_Team", ZONEINFO[i][zteam], 45);
    return 1;

//When someone captured the zone
    ZONEINFO[i][zteamid] = ZoneAttacker[i];
    ZONEINFO[i][zcolor] = GetTeamZoneColor(ZoneAttacker[i]);
    ZONEINFO[i][zteam] = GetTeamName(ZoneAttacker[i]);
    ZONEINFO[i][zowned] = true;

//and when exiting gamemode
new fstr[128];
    for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(ZONEINFO); i++)
        format(fstr, sizeof(fstr), ZONEPATH, i + 1);

        new INI:zfile = INI_Open(fstr);
        INI_SetTag(zfile, "Zone data");
        INI_WriteBool(zfile, "Zone_Owned", ZONEINFO[i][zowned]);
        INI_WriteHex(zfile, "Zone_Color", ZONEINFO[i][zcolor]);
        INI_WriteInt(zfile, "Zone_Owned_Team_ID", ZONEINFO[i][zteamid]);
        INI_WriteString(zfile, "Zone_Owned_Team", ZONEINFO[i][zteam]);
I can't find anything wrong it save all zones like this(in default way)

[Zone data]
Zone_Name = //Zone name is here
Zone_Owned = false
Zone_Color = 0xC0C0C066
Zone_Owned_Team_ID = -1
Zone_Owned_Team = No_Team

Plz help

Why do still people use INI - just make use of SQLite here.

And yes if I won't able to figure out what is the error
I will change it to sqlite

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