Help here please

PHP код:
ShowPlayerDialogEx(playeridWATCHTUTDIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX"{00FF00}Atrax Roleplay - Tutorial""Would you like to watch a small tutorial about the server basics?""Yes""No"); 
I want player to watch tutorial by clicking YES only and not NO

PHP код:
ShowPlayerDialogEx(playeridWATCHTUTDIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX"{00FF00}Atrax Roleplay - Tutorial""Click Yes for to watch the short Tutorial please!.""Yes"); 
73672) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
after i removed the OPTION "NO" it gives me an error message help me here please.

I believe if you don't want to have a second button, you leave second button caption blank. See to the WIKI PAGE here.

In your case, it probably must be something like this:

ShowPlayerDialogEx(playerid, WATCHTUT, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{00FF00}Atrax Roleplay - Tutorial", "Click Yes for to watch the short Tutorial please!.", "Yes", "");
And, seriously, people, start googling it in SAMP wiki or via moogel; issues like that don't really require a scripting help thread, you'll waste less time if you figure it yourself by simply reading what's on the tin over there.

Originally Posted by Maxandmov
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I believe if you don't want to have a second button, you leave second button caption blank. See to the WIKI PAGE here.

In your case, it probably must be something like this:

ShowPlayerDialogEx(playerid, WATCHTUT, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{00FF00}Atrax Roleplay - Tutorial", "Click Yes for to watch the short Tutorial please!.", "Yes", "");
And, seriously, people, start googling it in SAMP wiki or via moogel; issues like that don't really require a scripting help thread, you'll waste less time if you figure it yourself by simply reading what's on the tin over there.
Sorry hehe, am just editing the script xD

How about this help?
same problem number of argument
PHP код:
        new daymonthyear;
SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_NEWS,"______________________________________- %s %02d/%02d/%d -______________________________________"GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), daymonthyear); 

        new day, month, year, str[100]; 
        getdate(day, month, year); 

format(str, sizeof(str), "______________________________________- %s %02d/%02d/%d -______________________________________", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), day, month, year);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_NEWS, str);

use format first, than send the messages (like UFF did)

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