A little help regarding factions, sorry

I have made a suggestion for LS-RP, a server I think most people have heard of.

Here is the suggestion I made:
My suggestion is exactly what the title says, a studio for SAN. This would mean live interviews where people can come in and view it, at a small cost.

Things we could do with this:
Game show

Live interviews with important people or criminals

Public questions from audience towards an important person (e.g mayor)

Rent it out so other people could do shows (Things like Trisha or oprah if you've heard of them, not keen on them myself but would be a fun thing to do.)

First of all, I have a screenshot of a possible studio, this is a custom interior I built myself and it uses 32 objects, which is a downside i suppose.(If you can not see whole thing click on the image)

As you can see there are 5 benches at the back of the photo, there is also another side of the room (Where camera is coming from) which is exactly the same, These would be 2nd class seats that cost around $300 and overall accomadates around 40 people, 20 on each side.

Also, there are first class benches which are not visible on the photo, these are just around the edges of the circular step-up to the stage. These could cost around $700 each and overall accomadates around 32 people.

As the object I used for the main part of the interior had lots of holes in it (Looking at the sky, could jump out of the interior) I decided to fill thoose holes with advertisments, which really fits the scheme of SAN.

On the on side of the room there is two arch ways where guests for the show and SAN hosts would spawn, sort of like a preparation room.

EDIT: Heres a video tour.[video][/video] (******* not working atm for me, will have it uploaded soon)

Also, a building is needed for the studio to "be in", if any body has any really cool places for a studio in Los Santos, then post here an Iw ill edit it in.

Okay then here goes.

/enter [1/2]
If you typed just /enter then a message like this would display.

/enter [1/2]
1 - 1st class, Ј400
2 - 2nd class, Ј700

/seat (already in scrpt)
When player comes in via the door (Teleport) then a message will be displayed "Please take a seat, once the show starts you will be unable to move ((Frozen))" By freezing the player we wouldn't have anyone jumping around the set etc. Also chat should be disabled to stop spam, only /pm should be allowed, /b and general chat should be disabled.

If the player gets bored of the show they can simply leave, however they should be teleported straight out because if they were unfrozen so they could walk out maually it would just be abused.

So that the player may talk into the mic, however he still will be unable to talk in any other way.

SAN only
/setcamerapos [1/2]
If the command /setcamerpos is entered then it should display a message similar to the following
"This will allow you to save a position you would like the camera to be in, stand in your desired spot and angle then choose either 1 or 2, by having two you can swap positions during the show"

Then a message will appear "Your show has started and the audience are quiet((Frozen and muted))"

"You have stopped the show and the audience are making there way out((Unfrozen))"

/changecamerpos [1/2]
During a show if they use this command they can change to either of there saved positions.

/bringonplayer [ID]
This would be used to unfreeze certain playrs so that they may involve them selves with the RP such as a game show.

/giveplayermic [ID]
Player is now allowed to talk but ONLY through the mic.

/seatplayer [ID]

Re-freezes the player.

/takemic [ID]
Player no longer has a microphone.

/rentstudio [ID] [COST] [TIME](Minutes)

An overviw of all the above commands, a little help.

Somebody gets all the commands for the studio at a price and also a limited amount of time

SAN employees would be enforced to advertise about the show at least 15 minutes early so that people may enter and be prepared.

I feel a live show would bring the server together in an honest RP manner, on top of all I think it would be fun for everyone.

/discuss please

P.S: Any testers/admin want to try this out PM me, I will send you the script for the interior and the co-ordinates to spawn from. If I do though please don't release it to anyone as I made it specifically for LS-RP.
I would love it if somebody could script this idea for me, I think you would need some sort of "IsPlayer" command, if you can just put isplayerconnected for now, then once/if LS-RPadmins want to implement it they can just change it to whatever they named san so something like "IsPlayerSAN".

If anybody wants to do this, PM me, I will send you the custom interior i built and the spawn co-ordinates.

Again, thanks a lot, it would be great if you could do this for me, if you play LS-RP I will compensate you in game for your troubles.

Cant LS-RP script it for you, lol... They have good enough scripters.

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