02.02.2018, 09:46
I have another problem in my server. The /drag command. I don't know why every time i do /drag it is fine,
but when i do /acceptdrag, the server console stopped itself. Can anyone help me to fix the command?
Here are the codes
/drag command
but when i do /acceptdrag, the server console stopped itself. Can anyone help me to fix the command?
Here are the codes
/drag command
PHP код:
CMD:drag(playerid, params[])
new ID, string[26+MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string2[20+MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
if(sscanf(params, "u", ID)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Pemakaian: /drag [playerid]");
if(ID == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "Player not connected!");
if(ID == playerid) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "You can't drag yourself!");
if(GetDistanceBetweenPlayers(playerid, ID) > 2)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "You're too far away!" );
return 1;
SetPVarInt(ID, "DRAGG", playerid);
format(string2, sizeof(string2), "%s Telah menawari drag kepada anda, /acceptdrag untuk menerimanya", GetPlayerName(playerid));
SendClientMessage(ID, COLOR_GRAD1, string2);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "Anda telah berhasil mengirim tawaran drag kepada player!");
return true;
/acceptdrag command
PHP код:
CMD:acceptdrag(playerid, params[])
new dragg = GetPVarInt(playerid, "DRAGG");
new string[128], string2[128];
if(dragg == INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "The player that has invited you has left the server! Invite has been cancelled."), DeletePVar(playerid, "DRAGG");
if(GetDistanceBetweenPlayers(playerid, dragg) > 2)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "You're too far away!" );
return 1;
if(Dragged[playerid] < 0 && Dragging[dragg] < 0)
Dragged[playerid] = dragg;
Dragging[dragg] = playerid;
format(string, sizeof(string), "Kamu sedang didrag oleh %s.", GetPlayerName(dragg));
SCM(playerid, COLOR_PURPLE, string);
format(string2, sizeof(string2), "Anda telah mendrag %s, /undrag untuk berhenti", GetPlayerName(playerid));
SCM(dragg, COLOR_PURPLE, string2);
draggedtimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("Draggingt", 1000, 1, "dd", dragg,playerid);
return true;