NPC bug

Is there any way for NPCs to detect a building? I'm having this bug wherein if I'm being chased by NPCs and I'm below a building/any place I'm covered by a building, it teleports the NPC to the top of the building. Can this be avoided?

Preview of bug:


This isn't a bug. You're probably using MapAndreas, right? It gets the highest z from ground.
You can use ColAndreas for this.

Yeah, MapAndreas. So, I'll replace MapAndreas to ColAndreas?

Yes, and you will also have to use the Raycast function.

Could me out, send a small tutorial? Thanks.

I haven't really worked with AI NPC's a lot either.

This is from ToiletDuck:

Use RayCastLine x y z , targetx, tagerty,targetz when it returns to true then it means there is a wall between of it or there is IsPlayerBlock function use that.

x y z > GetPlayerPos(playerid) then Targetx,y,z = GetPlayerPos(targetid)

I hope you understand. or use 3dtryg of abyss use IsElementBetweenwall I forgot what is that function again lol

I got it a little, might need more. Dw, I'll do sone research. Thanks!

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