17.12.2017, 11:25
I have a problem for which I do not know or can find a solution.
The problem is this, I connect to the server play for a couple of minutes and all of the sudden I get this error:
Connection rejected
Unacceptable nickname
It's only me on the server so the problem described above i don't know how it's happening.
And it's also happening for other players.
They keep disconnecting randomly.
There is nothing in server logs nor in crashdetect:
I have a problem for which I do not know or can find a solution.
The problem is this, I connect to the server play for a couple of minutes and all of the sudden I get this error:
Connection rejected
Unacceptable nickname
It's only me on the server so the problem described above i don't know how it's happening.
And it's also happening for other players.
They keep disconnecting randomly.
There is nothing in server logs nor in crashdetect:
[13:12:47] AMX (157803736) loaded [13:12:47] Number of vehicle models: 89 [13:12:47] [connection] requests connection cookie. [13:12:48] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0 [13:12:49] [npc:join] Driver_NPC has joined the server (0: [13:13:07] [connection] requests connection cookie. [13:13:08] [connection] incoming connection: id: 1 [13:13:08] [join] Will_Smith has joined the server (1: [13:13:35] [npc:part] Driver_NPC has left the server (0:0) [13:14:39] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0 [13:14:45] [part] Will_Smith has left the server (1:0)