28.10.2017, 17:18
Hey there, well i was trying to make a command with 2 functions , now heres the thing
the command unimpounds a vehicle the thing is that i cant make it like i want.
If a player types for example /unimpound 3 it will unimpound vehicle id 3 , i've arrived till here i mean i made it to unimpound the vehicle 3 but the other thing is
if a player types /unimpound it will show the dialog which i made
now the problem is that i dont know how to show the dialog if the player hasn't writen any id
and if he writes one it unimpounds the writen id
the command unimpounds a vehicle the thing is that i cant make it like i want.
If a player types for example /unimpound 3 it will unimpound vehicle id 3 , i've arrived till here i mean i made it to unimpound the vehicle 3 but the other thing is
if a player types /unimpound it will show the dialog which i made
now the problem is that i dont know how to show the dialog if the player hasn't writen any id
and if he writes one it unimpounds the writen id
else if(!strcmp(tmp, "unimpound", true, 7)) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][playerteam] != FAC_TYPE_POLICE && PlayerInfo[playerid][ranklvl] <=2) { if(!strlen(tmp2) || !IsNumeric(tmp2)) return SCP(playerid, "car unimpound [ ID ]"); { new theunimpoundid = strval(tmp2); if(!dini_Isset(globalstats, "unimpoundslot")) dini_IntSet(globalstats, "unimpoundslot", 0); new ri = dini_Int(globalstats, "unimpoundslot"); if(ri >= sizeof(unimpoundpos)) { ri = 0; dini_IntSet(globalstats, "unimpoundslot", 0); } else dini_IntSet(globalstats, "unimpoundslot", ri+1); VehicleInfo[theunimpoundid][vX] = unimpoundpos[ri][spawnx]; VehicleInfo[theunimpoundid][vY] = unimpoundpos[ri][spawny]; VehicleInfo[theunimpoundid][vZ] = unimpoundpos[ri][spawnz]; VehicleInfo[theunimpoundid][vA] = unimpoundpos[ri][sangle]; VehicleInfo[theunimpoundid][vVirtualWorld] = 0; VehicleInfo[theunimpoundid][vImpounded] = 0; VehicleInfo[theunimpoundid][vImpoundFee] = 0; myStrcpy(VehicleInfo[theunimpoundid][vImpoundReason], "None"); ReloadVehicle(theunimpoundid); printf("%d",theunimpoundid); } } else { new iBigStr[1575], iCount, iSmllStr[128]; strcat(iBigStr, "Vehicle\tImpound fee\tImpound Reason\n"); VehicleLoop(v) { if(VehicleInfo[v][vActive] != true) continue; if(strcmp(PlayerName(playerid), VehicleInfo[v][vOwner], false)) continue; if(VehicleInfo[v][vImpounded] != 1) continue; if(VehicleInfo[v][vImpounded] == 1 && VehicleInfo[v][vSpawned] != true) { iCount++; format(iSmllStr, sizeof(iSmllStr), "%d %s(%d)\t%d\t%s\n", v, GetVehicleNameFromModel(VehicleInfo[v][vModel]),VehicleInfo[v][rID],VehicleInfo[v][vImpoundFee], VehicleInfo[v][vImpoundReason]); } strcat(iBigStr, iSmllStr); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_UNIMPOUND, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, "{3196ef}Please select vehicle you would like to unimpound", iBigStr, "Select", "Exit"); } if(!iCount) return SendClientError(playerid, "You don't have any impounded vehicle"); return 1; } }