SA-MP randomly freezes and crashes.

Okay, whenever I go on a server and be there for a little, I would start getting little freezes for about 5-20 secs.
And when it doesn't freeze for 5-20 secs, it freezes completely and crashes.

I tried uninstalling my mods, putting DEP on, making a new user, putting compatibility on "Windows 98/Windows me". Nothing works.
I made a new user because I was getting "Microsoft visual C++ error), and yet nothing works.

If you know how to fix it, PLEASE tell me.

Try to completely remove whole samp and san andreas files, re-install again without adding any mods, if that still appears to have issues, i suggest to download XDirect and see if that helps, i'm not sure if that will help you but might do the job, Try to download Microsoft Visual C++ Libraries so it won't show you errors and such.

Tell me if that helps.

New problem....Whenever I die SA-MP crashes without any opcodes...just crashes and that's it.

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