Drug System

I have good drug system but i want to add some effects like if u use weed thn the weather chnge to very weird like all orange or stuff like that Could someone help me to add tht effect?
Also does someone know ID of those Weed plants u had to burn at GTA San Andreas single player..?
if(strcmp(cmd, "/usedrug", true) == 0) { 
new Grams; 
if(pDrugs[playerid][DrugStatus] == 0) 
return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "* You have no Drugs to use"); 
Global = strtok(cmdtext, Index); 
return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "* Usage: /usedrug [GRAMS]"); 
Grams = strval(Global); 
if(pDrugs[playerid][DrugGrams] < Grams) 
return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"You don't have that many grams"); 
pDrugs[playerid][DrugGrams] -= Grams; 
format(Data, 256, "Drugs/%s.ini", pName(playerid)); 
dini_IntSet(Data, "Drug-Grams", pDrugs[playerid][DrugGrams]); 
format(Data, 256, "* You've Smoked %d grams Remaining: %d", Grams,pDrugs[playerid][DrugGrams]); 
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, Data); 
new Float:health; 
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, health); 
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, health + (Grams * 5.0)); 
if(pDrugs[playerid][DrugGrams] < 1) 
I have this code but it has no effects on it

It was asked before but here 3409. Look for weather id's on samp wiki or have a look at Seif's fader in filterscripts

use -66 and yes it is negative 66

thnx alot gonna try thm out

Where do you replace the -66 , i totally forgot.

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