10.09.2017, 15:30
I'm trying to use this Anti-Cheater Client:
I tested it on Windows 7 and it worked perfectly perfectly.
But when I switched to VPS Linux ubuntu, an error occurs in socket_connect and the server simply closes.
Part of the code:
Server log:
I believe this happened because the door 4000 is not released. If that's the problem, please tell me how to release it.
I tested it on Windows 7 and it worked perfectly perfectly.
But when I switched to VPS Linux ubuntu, an error occurs in socket_connect and the server simply closes.
Part of the code:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { new pIP[16]; new string[32]; bac_Socket[playerid] = socket_create(TCP); GetPlayerIp(playerid, pIP, sizeof(pIP)); IsACConnected[playerid] = false; IsCheater[playerid] = false; UpdateNeeded[playerid] = false; format(string, sizeof(string), "connected |%d| ,%s,", playerid, CURRENT_VERSION); // azeite socket_connect(bac_Socket[playerid], pIP, 4000); socket_send(bac_Socket[playerid], string, sizeof(string)); SetTimerEx("CheckForACOnConnect", TIMERDELAY_CHECKFORACONCONNECT, false, "i", playerid); return 1; } public onSocketAnswer(Socket:id, data[], data_len) { print("onSocketAnswer"); new playerid; new output[4][512]; new md5Hash[512]; explode(output, data, "'"); // template: [ playerid'status'UID'md5Hash ] playerid = strval(output[0]); md5Hash = output[3]; if(strfind(output[1], "secure", true) != -1) { playerid = strval(output[0]); IsACConnected[playerid] = true; } else if(strfind(output[1], "cheater", true) != -1) { SendClientMessage(playerid, ANTICHEATER_COLOR, "[BrasilianZ Anti-Cheater]: {FFFFFF}Vocк foi kickado do servidor. Motivo: Arquivos suspeitos foram detectados."); return SetTimerEx("KickP", 1500, false, "i", playerid); } else if(strfind(output[1], "off", true) != -1) { IsACConnected[playerid] = false; } else if(strfind(output[1], "online", true) != -1) { IsACConnected[playerid] = true; } else if(strfind(output[1], "updateneed", true) != -1) { IsACConnected[playerid] = true; UpdateNeeded[playerid] = true; } else { IsACConnected[playerid] = false; } if(strcmp(SERVER_MD5HASH, md5Hash)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, ANTICHEATER_COLOR, "[BrasilianZ Anti-Cheater]: {FFFFFF}Seu Cliente Anti-Cheater foi modificado."); //return SetTimerEx("KickP", 1500, false, "i", playerid); } return 1; }
socket_connect(): Socket ID 0 has failed to connect.