Cannot view wiki page

When i type and enter it
the page only show:Go away.
why??Could someone help me^^thx

Somethings wrong...

Try again:

It works for me...

Originally Posted by <3 HardStyle <3 | LarzI
Somethings wrong...

Try again:

It works for me...
click ur link results the same:Go away.
But all,thx ur reply^^

What browser you use?
And where do you come from? Maybe somehow your whole country is banned from the wiki...

Originally Posted by <3 HardStyle <3 | LarzI
What browser you use?
And where do you come from? Maybe somehow your whole country is banned from the wiki...
use mobile phone,
browser opera mini
Internet link(?) CMCC(?)
my ip address:

Anyway,can you paste the wiki page about CallRemoteFunction and CallLocalFunction?I wanna know difference between them,thx^^


Calls a public function from within the entire server, this doesn't have to be defined in any way.

Important note: This calls the public function from all of the scripts loaded into the server.

(const format[], {Float,_}:...)
function[] Public functions' name.
format[] Tag/format of each variable
{Float,_}:... 'Indefinite' number of arguments of any tag
This returns the value that the last public function returned.

Format Strings
Placeholder Meaning
c Inserts a single character.
d, i Inserts an integer (whole) number
x Inserts a number in hexadecimal notation.
f Inserts a floating point number.
s Inserts a string.

The values for the placeholders follow in the exact same order as parameters in the call.

forward callMe(const string[]);
public callMe(const string[])
  printf("callMe> %s", string);
  return 86;
/* Somewhere... in another file prehaps? */
CallRemoteFunction("callMe", "s", "OHAI THAR BAGPUSS!!11");

Calls a public function from within the same virtual engine, which is basically the GM or FS that the public is located in.

Important note: This calls the public function from its own script loaded into the server.

(const format[], {Float,_}:...)
function[] Public functions' name.
format[] Tag/format of each variable
{Float,_}:... 'Indefinite' number of arguments of any tag
This returns the value that the only public function returned.

Format Strings
Placeholder Meaning
c Inserts a single character.
d, i Inserts an integer (whole) number
x Inserts a number in hexadecimal notation.
f Inserts a floating point number.
s Inserts a string.

The values for the placeholders follow in the exact same order as parameters in the call.

A non-working example.

/* File1 */
forward callMe(const string[]);
public callMe(const string[])
  printf("callMe> %s", string);
  return 86;
/* File2 */
CallLocalFunction("callMe", "s", "OHAI THAR BAGPUSS!!11");
  /* This one wouldn't work because the public 'callMe' is not defined in
    File2, you would need to use CallRemoteFunction for that. */
A working example.

/* File1 */
forward callMe(const string[]);
public callMe(const string[])
  printf("callMe> %s", string);
  return 86;
CallRemoteFunction("callMe", "s", "OHAI THAR BAGPUSS!!11");
  /* This one would work because this function is defined in
    the same file as this callback is. */


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