[Map] Civilian spawn [EXTERIOR] + Cars

iFeel RPG -> Creations

ENG Version:
Well I found you my dear, Today I want to introduce you my first creation in the map editor, I want to see your opinion, I'll leave you below the codes for objects and vehicles, and a small video that you can see is done by Me and not someone else. In the video, I notice how I modified most of the stuff, wanting to put fences or other objects, then I changed my mind, and so, until my inspiration came and I did what came out. I apologize for grammar / expression. I do not speak very fluently English because I am from Romania. I want to see as many opinions as possible, and of course if I have little support, I will continue to do stuff like that.

RO Version:
Bine v-am gasit dragii mei, astazi vreau sa va prezint prima mea creatie in editorul de harti, vreau sa vad si parerea voastra, va las mai jos codurile pentru obiecte si vehicule, si un mic video prin care puteti observa ca este facut de mine si nu de altcineva. In video se observa cum am modificat majoritatea chestiilor, voind sa pun garduri, sau alte obiecte, apoi m-am razgandit, si tot asa, pana mi-a venit inspiratia si am facut ce a rezultat. Imi cer scuze pentru gramatica / exprimare. Nu vorbesc foarte fluent limba engleza deoarece sunt din Romania. Vreau sa vad cat mai multe pareri daca se poate, si desigur daca am putina sustinere, o sa continui sa mai fac chestii de genul.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_66bTpzQpY

Objects / vehicles:

LINK: OBJECTS: http://cogismith.com/CAZ | SKIP AD
LINK: VEHICLES: http://cogismith.com/CCx | SKIP AD
New link objects: http://cogismith.com/DTF | SKIP AD


Looks nice but you simply dropped the objects, if I can give some hints:
-Next time I'll recommend you to give more effort to each object in order to place it in its perfect position.
-Also I would recommend you to use the arrows on the side panel, this can make it move small distances.

Further, nice video but the map can be made by litteraly everyone.
So in futuristic maps I'd like to ask you to upload something more usable.
Excuse me for being critical, it are just tips and I just want to be honest.

ENG Version:

Thank you very much for your advice, it's my first creation, so to speak, I certainly will learn more things along the way. Thanks again, I hope somebody will use what I did.

RO Version:
iti multumesc foarte frumos pentru sfaturi, este prima mea creatie, sa zic asa, cu siguranta pe parcurs o sa invat mai multe lucruri . Multumesc inca odata, sper sa se foloseasca cineva de ce am facut .

That's cool, not bad.

Thank you!

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