/namechange suggestion

Hi guys,

Excatly idk why i had to start a such topic for this kind of question but i need your opinion.

- What is the best way to prevent a newbies from using /changename command as they could rename themself and it could be a problem for our administrators ( Ofc they might have /aka and other stuff ). Because many of our staff member disagree about this what i stated here:

- Score/Cash required ?
- TimePlayed required ?
- or anything else ?

Please, if you've going to shitpost here then don't i really need help.

Put a very big price on it and make it on time.
Let's say he/she changes name now, so he/she needs to wait like 6 months to change it again.
They'll have to think a lot before doing it.

make a Change name log or Make on forum Changename App and remove changename cmd

Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
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Put a very big price on it and make it on time.
Let's say he/she changes name now, so he/she needs to wait like 6 months to change it again.
They'll have to think a lot before doing it.
I support this idea.

Name change log

And u may just remove it and let the admins change the names by app.

If you're considered about moderating this, you could simply make it to where an admin or trusted player has to finalize a namechange request before it goes through. You should also be wary of: names that go over the 24 limit (SetPlayerName does not have a check for this, if they attempt to login it won't let them), SQL injection (escape strings or use %e in mysql_format), improper name formats depending on what you allow and don't allow.

Never trust a player with a command like that if you don't have someone from staff verifying that the name's okay and up to server standards. And as HeLiOn said, make sure the price of it's pretty expensive.

Have them apply for a name change, that way everyone will be aware who and who does not change their name within the community/server. Some change their names to start over (build up a new reputation), let others know about it anyway.

Apply on forums.

Whoa. All suggestions are really nice and thank you guys. Now I'll have to think about what to do.

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