Anyone here who codes outside of Samp?

Originally Posted by Hansrutger
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Pawn is love, pawn is life. Once Microsoft reconizes kalcors fine work with samp they will proceed in making it the server side language in ASP.NET. Then all of you will be crying because you learned other languages and betrayed the samp community.
Wise words, but I highly doubt Microsoft will 'recognise' Kalcor's work, lmao.

We must believe, Cookland! You were raised better than believing in what you just said!

Originally Posted by AndreiWow
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php, c#, c++, does mysql count? lol
My Structured Query Language
It is a language, it is bigger than you might think.
MySQL has a lot more to offer than just insert, update, select, delete.

for example, a feature not many would know about:

OT: I know little actually, there are languages that I'd like to learn, but I don't have time for it right now.
I never learned any language off school, I am self-taught.
My current knowledge includes mainly mainstream web tools and a little of pawn.

But I'd like to expend my knowledge to new languages that I know little about - Go, R, Rust, D, Erlang and more in depth of C (Probably Objective, because I prefer OOP)
know their pro's and cons, and whether they worth the time.

C++, C#, JavaScript
And I'm 11 Years Old

Originally Posted by Kaperstone
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My Structured Query Language
It is a language, it is bigger than you might think.
MySQL has a lot more to offer than just insert, update, select, delete.

for example, a feature not many would know about:
MySQL is an RDBMS, not a language. It implements a language, SQL, but it is not a language in and of itself. If you know SQL you can use any DBMS. Be that MySQL, Oracle or Microsoft. Each of these DBMS' implement their own little quirks but they're all compatible with ANSI SQL as well.

none? Python . me.

Almost all language. Matters what I need to do.

Originally Posted by Vince
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MySQL is an RDBMS, not a language. It implements a language, SQL, but it is not a language in and of itself. If you know SQL you can use any DBMS. Be that MySQL, Oracle or Microsoft. Each of these DBMS' implement their own little quirks but they're all compatible with ANSI SQL as well.
My mistype, forgot about that.
Thanks for correcting.

I got my interest in programming by playing sa-mp. Now I'm a software engineer. =P

php, javascript, html, css, c# and a bit c++ ;_;

not coding in brainfuck


I am not currently coding on any live project, But I have good knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, AJAX
And on the back-end part, I know PHP, C, C++. I am also learning to code in Python and I've almost completed my course on it. Just doing the practise and stuff.

P.S I learnt C, C++ 3 years back and never continued coding on it, so I lack knowledge in that language.

Originally Posted by ross8839
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As you do this for a job, mind I ask how you got in to the field? I currently work in IT as a technician and start an open university course in Computer Science which I am going to be taking the software development path - they teach you JAVA and JavaScript though. I only really code c# and swift at the moment

@everyoneelse - would love to know how many of you went down the education route, or self taught!
Self taught only! That's the way I learned my first language i.e. Pawn when I got interested in making gamemodes. The approach I use to learn a language is by taking up a task whether it is a minor one or a major task and then using the internet to help me out where I am stuck or to search how to implement so and so thing. That is how I learnt Android (had to submit my college project in 2 days and worked from scratch to make it with 0 knowledge in Android).

C, C++, Java, CSS, JS, React-native, Android Java, Python, php and growing.....

Originally Posted by iLearner
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Almost all languages as I do them at school.
I went to school too, but knowing almost all languages is impressive, I never got to PASCAL or Assembler.
Please tell me the 'few' languages in this list that you don't know.
This list doesn't even include any dialect of BASIC.. btw you code BASIC right?? (it's not taught at school but it's one of the most known language).

HTML Only.

Pascal (basic)

I don't think they gotta count html as a programing language lol

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