MySQL weapon shop system (question about massive columned table)

I made a system of weapon shop but a lot of columns are required, a column for each weapon.
the more columns you got the slower it works, what should I do because i've got like 37 weapons there.
I mean i thought about making user_melee, user_pistols, user_shotguns, user_smg tables, but idk if it would be effective if it's just system that has so many columns.

ahh, Weapon Shop yeah? But why would you use MySQL for it? Why don't you just use GiveplayerWeapon?

Originally Posted by JasonRiggs
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ahh, Weapon Shop yeah? But why would you use MySQL for it? Why don't you just use GiveplayerWeapon?
Perma weapon shop

How is this supposed to work? Because this is most certainly not the way to do it.

Originally Posted by Vince
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How is this supposed to work? Because this is most certainly not the way to do it.
you buy a weapon that will be given to you everytime you spawn, it's just like 1 time purchase, and you can buy more for more bullets.
so i gotta save the weapons in the database somehow

use a table for weapons:

PHP код:
CREATE TABLE player_weapons (
player INT,
weapon TINYINT,
ammo INT,
PRIMARY KEY (playerweapon),

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