08.06.2017, 19:00
[01:30:21] Max Objects: -1 [01:30:21] [ConnectToMainPipeline:] Connecting to port_4444... [02:30:21] [MySQL] (MySQLPipeline) Fatal Error! Could not connect to MySQL: Host localhost - DB: port_4444 - User: root [02:30:21] [MySQL] Note: Make sure that you have provided the correct connection credentials. [02:30:21] [MySQL] Error number: 1049 [02:30:21] Number of vehicle models: 0 [02:30:21] --- Server Shutting Down. [02:30:21] *** Streamer Plugin v2.7.8 by Incognito unloaded *** [02:30:21] plugin.mysql: Unloading plugin... [02:30:21] plugin.mysql: Plugin unloaded. [02:30:21] *** IRC Plugin v1.4.6 by Incognito unloaded *** [02:30:21] [02:30:21] ==================== [02:30:21] [02:30:21] Whirlpool unloaded [02:30:21] [02:30:21] ==================== [02:30:21] |
new MySQLPipeline; // Main MySQL pipeline handler #define SQL_HOST "localhost" #define SQL_USER "root" #define SQL_PASS "" #define SQL_DATA "port_4444" |