01.06.2017, 01:32
PHP код:
enum TruckInfo
static const TruckingZones[][TruckInfo] = {
/*Wood Producers*/
{"Leafy Hollow Woods\n"COLORORANGE"Producing Wood\n"COL_WHITE"Use [/trucker order] to order wood from the factory and [/trucker info] to list information", {-1107.1235,-1620.4291,76.3672}},
{"Whetstone's Wood Forest\n"COLORORANGE"Producing Wood\n"COL_WHITE"Use [/trucker order] to order wood from the factory and [/trucker info] to list information", {-1422.5691,-1502.0198,101.6719}},
{"Woods of North Rock\n"COLORORANGE"Producing Wood\n"COL_WHITE"Use [/trucker order] to order wood from the factory and [/trucker info] to list information", {2354.8870,-648.6005,128.0397}},
{"Verdant Meadows Oilfield\n"COLORYELLOW"Producing Oil\n"COL_WHITE"Use [/trucker order] to order oil from the factory and [/trucker info] to list information", {384.9622,2602.6160,16.4844}},
/*Mine Quarrys*/
{"Whetstone Quarry\n"COL_BROWN"Producing Coal, Ore\n"COL_WHITE"Use [/trucker order] to order coal/ore from the factory and [/trucker info] to list information", {-1829.4500,-1634.9768,21.7500}},
{"Hunter Quarry\n"COL_BROWN"Producing Coal, Ore\n"COL_WHITE"Use [/trucker order] to order coal/ore from the factory and [/trucker info] to list information", {585.6367,871.5690,-42.4973}},
/*Steel Refinery*/
{"Fallen Tree Steel Refinery\n"COLORGREY"Producing Steel\nRequiring Ore, Coal\n"COL_WHITE"Use [/trucker order] to order coal/ore from the factory and [/trucker info] to list information", {-481.3151,-541.5077,25.5296}},
/*Plastic Factory*/
{"Blueberry Plastics\n"COL_SILVER"Producing Plastic\nRequiring Oil, Wood\n"COL_WHITE"Use [/trucker order] to order plastic from the factory and [/trucker info] to list information", {-22.3179,-278.7772,5.4297}},
/*Chemical Factory*/
{"Easter Bay Chemicals\n"DARKGREEN"Producing Chemicals\nRequiring Oil, Wood, Coal\n"COL_WHITE"Use [/trucker order] to order chemicals from the factory and [/trucker info] to list information", {-993.7693,-700.3590,32.0078}},
/*Weapon Parts*/
{"Red County Weapon Parts\n"COLORORANGE"Producing Weapon Parts\nRequiring Steel, Wood\n"COL_WHITE"Use [/trucker order] to order weapon parts from the factory and [/trucker info] to list information", {1932.0310,147.2223,37.2813}},
/*Car Parts*/
{"Ocean Docks's Car Parts\n"COL_BROWN"Producing Car Parts\nRequiring Steel, Wood, Plastic\n"COL_WHITE"Use [/trucker order] to order car parts from the factory and [/trucker info] to list information", {2406.8755,-2477.0288,13.6312}},
/*Fuel Refineries*/
{"Willowfield Fuel Refineries\n"DARKORANGE"Producing Petroleum\nRequiring Oil, Chemicals\n"COL_WHITE"Use [/trucker order] to order petroleum from the factory and [/trucker info] to list information", {2648.3835,-2098.4714,13.5469}},
/*Electricity Manufactures*/
{"Mount Chiliad Electricity\n"COLORYELLOW"Producing Electronic Parts\nRequiring Steel, Plastic, Chemicals\n"COL_WHITE"Use [/trucker order] to order petroleum from the factory and [/trucker info] to list information", {-2324.4265,-1619.0321,485.2487}},
/*Weapon Factories*/
{"Ammu-Nation Weapons\n"COLORGREY"Producing Weapons\nRequiring Weapon Parts\n"COL_WHITE"Use [/trucker order] to order petroleum from the factory and [/trucker info] to list information", {1420.0073,-1355.2379,13.5638}},
/*Vehicle Factories*/
/*Line 1359*/{"Rodeo's Vehicle Factories\n"COLOR_SILVER"Producing Vehicles\nRequiring Car Parts, Plastic, Electronic Parts\n"COL_WHITE"Use [/trucker order] to order petroleum from the factory and [/trucker info] to list information", {516.1822,-1301.2560,17.2422}},
/*Fuel Factories*/
/*Line 1362*/{"Idlewood Gasoline\n"COL_BROWN"Producing Gasoline\nRequiring Petroleum, Oil, Chemicals\n"COL_WHITE"Use [/trucker order] to order petroleum from the factory and [/trucker info] to list information", {1922.3622,-1792.0527,13.3828}}
/*Line 1364*/};
(1359) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "-identifier-" (1362) : error 055: start of function body without function header (1364) : error 054: unmatched closing brace ("}") (1364) : error 010: invalid function or declaration (31653) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "TruckingZones"
#define COLORGREY "{7D8584}"