21.05.2017, 11:03
Последний раз редактировалось no1508; 21.05.2017 в 11:09.
Причина: Inappropriate Title
Hi, I am using RNPC Plugin
My server version is low. (not 0.3.7)
So I can not use FCNPC Plugin
I want to make NPC attack while running
I tried a lot but all failed.
NPC is get weapon id 3.
If you AddPause the NPC, the movement stops..
I really want to see the attack while running
I need help.
Please Help me ...!
That's the build code I tried. (below)
result: fail.
My server version is low. (not 0.3.7)
So I can not use FCNPC Plugin
I want to make NPC attack while running
I tried a lot but all failed.
NPC is get weapon id 3.
If you AddPause the NPC, the movement stops..
I really want to see the attack while running
I need help.
Please Help me ...!
That's the build code I tried. (below)
result: fail.
RNPC_CreateBuild(npcid, PLAYER_RECORDING_TYPE_ONFOOT, 1); RNPC_AddPause(250); RNPC_SetWeaponID(3); RNPC_AddPause(500); RNPC_AddMovement(2331.5586,-1695.4564, 13.5436, 2311.1862,-1695.4564,13.5436, RNPC_SPEED_SPRINT, 0); RNPC_SetUDKeys(KEY_UP); RNPC_SetKeys(4 + KEY_SPRINT); RNPC_AddPause(500); RNPC_SetKeys(0); RNPC_AddPause(100); RNPC_SetUDKeys(KEY_UP); RNPC_SetKeys(4 + KEY_SPRINT); RNPC_AddPause(1000); RNPC_SetKeys(0); RNPC_AddPause(100); RNPC_ConcatMovement(2297.4673,-1695.4564,13.5436, RNPC_SPEED_SPRINT, 0); RNPC_AddPause(50); RNPC_SetUDKeys(KEY_UP); RNPC_SetKeys(KEY_SPRINT); RNPC_AddPause(150); RNPC_AddPause(250); RNPC_FinishBuild();