Server Start Errors


Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[02:36:16] filterscripts = "" (string)
[02:36:16] Server Plugins
[02:36:16] --------------
[02:36:16] Loading plugin:
[02:36:16] CrashDetect v4.16 is OK.
[02:36:16] Loaded.
[02:36:16] Loading plugin:
[02:36:16] Loaded.
[02:36:16] Loading plugin:

*** Audio Plugin v0.5 R2 by Incognito loaded ***

[02:36:16] Loaded.
[02:36:16] Loading plugin:

[02:36:16] ===============================

[02:36:16] sscanf plugin loaded.

[02:36:16] Version: 2.8.1

[02:36:16] © 2012 Alex "******" Cole

[02:36:16] ===============================

[02:36:16] Loaded.
[02:36:16] Loading plugin:
[02:36:16] >> plugin.mysql: R33 successfully loaded.
[02:36:16] Loaded.
[02:36:16] Loading plugin:
[02:36:16] ==================
[02:36:16] Whirlpool loaded
[02:36:16] ==================
[02:36:16] Loaded.
[02:36:16] Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[02:36:16] Loaded.
[02:36:16] Loaded 7 plugins.

[02:36:16] Filterscripts
[02:36:16] ---------------
[02:36:16] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Init'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Join'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Leave'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_format'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_tquery'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_data'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_field_content'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamicObject'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicObject'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicObject'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamic3DTextLabel'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'IsPlayerInDynamicArea'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'GetDynamicObjectPos'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'GetDynamicObjectRot'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamic3DTextLabel'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_escape_string'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicPolygon'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_TickRate'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'MoveDynamicObject'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_UpdateEx'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_Update'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_SetArrayData'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicPickup'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicPickup'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyAllDynamicObjects'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyAllDynamic3DTextLabels'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyAllDynamicCPs'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyAllDynamicMapIcons'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyAllDynamicRaceCPs'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyAllDynamicAreas'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicSphere'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamicPickup'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'sscanf'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamicMapIcon'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicMapIcon'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicRectangle'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicArea'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectMaterialText'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_IsItemVisible'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamicArea'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'EditDynamicObject'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_stat'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicMapIcon'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_SetIntData'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'WP_Hash'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectPos'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectRot'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'cache_affected_rows'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_log'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_connect'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_errno'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_close'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_row'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'cache_insert_id'
[02:36:16] Error: Function not registered: 'Profiler_Start'
[02:36:16] *** Streamer Plugin: Include file version (0x282001) does not match plugin version (0x291) (script might need to be recompiled with the correct include file).
[02:36:16] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[02:36:16] [debug] Profiler_Start
[02:36:16] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[02:36:16] [debug] Profiler_Start
[02:36:16] Script[gamemodes/oggrp26.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[02:36:16] Number of vehicle models: 0

Any solution? +rep for those who will help quickly, I totally think that these errors are because of plugins, and I've tried to get the latest plugins and includes and compiling but it didn't work, any help?


Streamer Plugin: Include file version (0x282001) does not match plugin version (0x291) (script might need to be recompiled with the correct

Download the latest Include and Plugins and then compile your gamemode.

Originally Posted by Kimsa
Посмотреть сообщение
Download the latest Include and Plugins and then compile your gamemode.
Yeah now the server worked, but these errors appeared now which caused that any mapping disappeared, + some cmds aren't working..

[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Init'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Join'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Leave'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_format'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_tquery'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_data'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_field_content'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamicObject'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicObject'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicObject'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamic3DTextLabel'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'IsPlayerInDynamicArea'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'GetDynamicObjectPos'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'GetDynamicObjectRot'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamic3DTextLabel'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_escape_string'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicPolygon'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_TickRate'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'MoveDynamicObject'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_UpdateEx'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_Update'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_SetArrayData'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicPickup'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicPickup'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyAllDynamicObjects'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyAllDynamic3DTextLabels'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyAllDynamicCPs'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyAllDynamicMapIcons'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyAllDynamicRaceCPs'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyAllDynamicAreas'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicSphere'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamicPickup'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'sscanf'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamicMapIcon'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicMapIcon'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicRectangle'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicArea'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectMaterialText'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_IsItemVisible'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamicArea'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'EditDynamicObject'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_stat'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicMapIcon'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_SetIntData'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'WP_Hash'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectPos'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectRot'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'cache_affected_rows'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_log'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_connect'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_errno'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_close'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_row'
[16:52:11] Error: Function not registered: 'cache_insert_id'
[16:52:11] =======================================
[16:52:11] | |
[16:52:11] | YSI version 4.00.0001 |
[16:52:11] | By Alex "******" Cole |
[16:52:11] | |
[16:52:11] =======================================
[16:52:29] *** YSI Warning: y_malloc set up via "CallLocalFunction", memory corruption is a remote possibility


Same's happening to me, try to add nativechecker as last
so you'll see log

Wow, I fixed it,I found that i did RemoveBuildingForPlayer without adding any mappings instead of it.. lol

What YouHack said more likely fixed most of your issues. If you don't load it last, it will make most functions from the plugins loaded after it error out as they were in the logfile.

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