14.05.2017, 07:30
i have a code
And now, I want to set proviso for a part (RandomCP1 [rand] [0]), what should I do?
Ex for my words:
Please Help meeee !
new Float:RandomCP[3][4] = { // Positions, (X, Y, Z and Facing Angle) {1271.8822,-1250.7874,14.1605,0.8398}, {1281.0437,-1241.8680,13.8490,5.6676}, {1228.8048,-1269.2982,13.5563,358.2112} };
new rand = random(sizeof(RandomCP)); SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, RandomCP1[rand][0], RandomCP1[rand][1],RandomCP1[rand][2],3.0);
Ex for my words:
public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid) { //randomcheckpoints // if checkpoints is RandomCP1 [rand] [0] if ... ( what is this line ) xD