20.03.2017, 03:33
Anyone help me with this? Or explain to me what is wrong! Plz.
This is the Code that is error, what is wrong with it?
../gamemodes/Build.pwn(27874) : error 017: undefined symbol "CR_CONN_HOST_ERROR" Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 1 Error.
public OnQueryError(errorid, error[], callback[], query[], connectionHandle) { switch(errorid) { case CR_CONN_HOST_ERROR: { printf("MySQL CONNECTION FAILED!"); } case CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR: { printf("Lost connection to server, trying reconnect..."); mysql_reconnect(connectionHandle); } case ER_SYNTAX_ERROR: { printf("----------------------------------------------"); printf(" [MYSQL] SOMETHING WENT WRONG", query); printf("QUERY: `%s`", query); printf("CALLBACK: %s", callback); printf("ERROR: %s", error); printf("----------------------------------------------"); } } return 1; }