help AttachObjectToObjectEx

I need help with this function that is to obtain the positions of the objects tied.

The problem is that I do not stir the position where it is.

Position with the objects attached.

New position of the object.

Position obtained with the function AttachObjectToObjectEx

	new Float:newPOS[6];
	new Float:oldPOS[6];
	for(new d=0; d<sizeof asd; d++){
		GetObjectPos(asd[d], oldPOS[0],oldPOS[1],oldPOS[2]);
		GetObjectRot(asd[d], oldPOS[3],oldPOS[4],oldPOS[5]);
		AttachObjectToObjectEx(asd[d], base, oldPOS[0],oldPOS[1],oldPOS[2], oldPOS[3],oldPOS[4],oldPOS[5], newPOS[0],newPOS[1],newPOS[2], newPOS[3],newPOS[4],newPOS[5]);
		printf("CreateObject(%d,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f);",GetObjectModel(asd[d]), newPOS[0],newPOS[1],newPOS[2], newPOS[3],newPOS[4],newPOS[5] );
stock AttachObjectToObjectEx(objectid, attachoid, Float:off_x, Float:off_y, Float:off_z, Float:rot_x, Float:rot_y, Float:rot_z, &Float:X, &Float:Y, &Float:Z, &Float:RX, &Float:RY, &Float:RZ){ // By Stylock
	GetObjectPos(attachoid, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
	GetObjectRot(attachoid, rot[0], rot[1], rot[2]);
	cos[0] = floatcos(rot[0], degrees); cos[1] = floatcos(rot[1], degrees); cos[2] = floatcos(rot[2], degrees); sin[0] = floatsin(rot[0], degrees); sin[1] = floatsin(rot[1], degrees); sin[2] = floatsin(rot[2], degrees);
	pos[0] = pos[0] + off_x * cos[1] * cos[2] - off_x * sin[0] * sin[1] * sin[2] - off_y * cos[0] * sin[2] + off_z * sin[1] * cos[2] + off_z * sin[0] * cos[1] * sin[2];
	pos[1] = pos[1] + off_x * cos[1] * sin[2] + off_x * sin[0] * sin[1] * cos[2] + off_y * cos[0] * cos[2] + off_z * sin[1] * sin[2] - off_z * sin[0] * cos[1] * cos[2];
	pos[2] = pos[2] - off_x * cos[0] * sin[1] + off_y * sin[0] + off_z * cos[0] * cos[1];
	rot[0] = asin(cos[0] * cos[1]); rot[1] = atan2(sin[0], cos[0] * sin[1]) + rot_z; rot[2] = atan2(cos[1] * cos[2] * sin[0] - sin[1] * sin[2], cos[2] * sin[1] - cos[1] * sin[0] * -sin[2]);
	cos[0] = floatcos(rot[0], degrees); cos[1] = floatcos(rot[1], degrees); cos[2] = floatcos(rot[2], degrees); sin[0] = floatsin(rot[0], degrees); sin[1] = floatsin(rot[1], degrees); sin[2] = floatsin(rot[2], degrees);
	rot[0] = asin(cos[0] * sin[1]); rot[1] = atan2(cos[0] * cos[1], sin[0]); rot[2] = atan2(cos[2] * sin[0] * sin[1] - cos[1] * sin[2], cos[1] * cos[2] + sin[0] * sin[1] * sin[2]);
	cos[0] = floatcos(rot[0], degrees); cos[1] = floatcos(rot[1], degrees); cos[2] = floatcos(rot[2], degrees); sin[0] = floatsin(rot[0], degrees); sin[1] = floatsin(rot[1], degrees); sin[2] = floatsin(rot[2], degrees);
	rot[0] = atan2(sin[0], cos[0] * cos[1]) + rot_x; rot[1] = asin(cos[0] * sin[1]); rot[2] = atan2(cos[2] * sin[0] * sin[1] + cos[1] * sin[2], cos[1] * cos[2] - sin[0] * sin[1] * sin[2]);
	cos[0] = floatcos(rot[0], degrees); cos[1] = floatcos(rot[1], degrees); cos[2] = floatcos(rot[2], degrees); sin[0] = floatsin(rot[0], degrees); sin[1] = floatsin(rot[1], degrees); sin[2] = floatsin(rot[2], degrees);
	rot[0] = asin(cos[1] * sin[0]); rot[1] = atan2(sin[1], cos[0] * cos[1]) + rot_y; rot[2] = atan2(cos[0] * sin[2] - cos[2] * sin[0] * sin[1], cos[0] * cos[2] + sin[0] * sin[1] * sin[2]);
	SetObjectPos(objectid, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
	SetObjectRot(objectid, rot[0], rot[1], rot[2]);
	X = pos[0];
	Y = pos[1];
	Z = pos[2];
	RX = rot[0];
	RY = rot[1];
 	RZ = rot[2];

Solved with the function GetObjectAttachedOffset of the YSF.

Were lost +10 rep

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