15.03.2017, 15:33
Ahoy friends.
I have created 2 Arrays by this way
and defined Pickup types
I put the pickupids into the MoneyPickup array
If i pickup a moneypickup OnPlayerPickUp will be called
GetPickUpType will be called
But for some reason the binary search in the first case (Money Type) is never successful.
It works for ActorPickups arrays in case of actor pickups, but not for money pickups for some reason.
After picking up a MONEY_TYPE Pickup the array will be sorted by using heap sort
But for some reason the search process in the MoneyPickups array is never successful
Whats the problem?
I also tried this
but it didnt work as well
My binsearch function
I have created 2 Arrays by this way
new ActorPickups[sizeof(GlobalActors)]; new MoneyPickups[MAX_PICKUPS-sizeof(GlobalActors)-1];
stock GenerateRandomPickup(modelid,type,Float:x_max,Float:x_min,Float:y_max,Float:y_min,Float:z_max,Float:z_min,virtualworld) { if(maxmoney <= sizeof(MoneyPickups)) { moneyval= moneyval+1000; new Float:rx1=((frandom((floatabs(x_max-x_min)))+x_min)); new Float:ry2=((frandom((floatabs(y_max-y_min)))+y_min)); new Float:rz3=((frandom((floatabs(z_max-z_min)))+z_min)); maxmoney = maxmoney +1; MoneyPickups[maxmoney] = CreatePickup(modelid,type,rx1,ry2,rz3,virtualworld); printf("%d,%d,%f,%f,%f,%d",modelid,type,rx1,ry2,rz3,virtualworld); } }
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid) { new index; switch(GetPickupType(pickupid,index)) { case INVALID_PICKUP_TYPE: { } case MONEY_TYPE: { maxmoney -= 1; GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 1000); printf("ID picked up: %d",maxmoney); MoneyPickups[index]=-1; HeapSort(MoneyPickups); DestroyPickup(pickupid); } case ACTOR_TYPE: { ShowMenuForPlayer(shopmenu,playerid); TogglePlayerControllable(playerid,false); } } return 1; }
stock GetPickupType(pickupid, &index) { new mres = binsearch(MoneyPickups,pickupid,sizeof(ActorPickups)-1,sizeof(MoneyPickups)-1); if(MoneyPickups[mres] == pickupid) return index=mres,MONEY_TYPE; printf("ID:%d mres: %d",pickupid,mres); new ares = binsearch(ActorPickups,pickupid,0,sizeof(ActorPickups)-1); if(ActorPickups[ares] == pickupid) return index=ares,ACTOR_TYPE; printf("ID:%d mres: %d",pickupid,mres); return INVALID_PICKUP_TYPE; }
It works for ActorPickups arrays in case of actor pickups, but not for money pickups for some reason.
After picking up a MONEY_TYPE Pickup the array will be sorted by using heap sort
But for some reason the search process in the MoneyPickups array is never successful
Whats the problem?
stock HeapSort (array [], n = sizeof (array)) { new i; for (i = n / 2; i > 0; --i) // Make heap SinkDown (array, i, n); for (i = n; i > 1; --i) { Swap (array [i - 1], array [0]); SinkDown (array, 1, i - 1); } } //---------------------------------------------------------- static stock SinkDown (array [], i, m) { new j; while (2 * i <= m) { j = 2 * i; if (j < m && array [j - 1] < array [j]) ++j; if (array [i - 1] < array [j - 1]) { Swap (array [i - 1], array [j - 1]); i = j; } else i = m; } } //---------------------------------------------------------- static stock Swap (&a, &b) { new s; s = a; a = b; b = s; }
new mres = binsearch(MoneyPickups,pickupid,sizeof(ActorPickups)-1,MAX_PICKUPS-sizeof(GlobalActors)-1);
My binsearch function
stock binsearch(a[],key,l,r) { new k; while(r >=l) { k = (l+r)/2; if(key == a[k]) { return k; } if(key < a[k]) { r = k=1; } else { l= k+1; } } return 0; }