02.03.2017, 19:06
Hello,i have a problem with my script.I created a mask system and it works good.The only problem is when the player is inside a vehicle.The text will send if mask is off,but when mask is on nothing happens.
Any idea?
for( new i = 0; i != MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i)) { if(GetPlayerVehicleID(i) == vehicleid) { if(IsMask[playerid] == 1) { format(string, sizeof(string), "(VEHICLE) Stranger says: %s", text); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_FADE2, string); } else { format(string, sizeof(string), "(VEHICLE) %s says: %s", sendername, text); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_FADE2, string); } return 0; } }