04.01.2017, 10:37
hi friends.. i need help with pcp website in login.php, this pcp use WP_Hash whirlpool, but my gamemodes use sha1.
i want change this login.php to sha1 password, i already change it, but dont work.. can help?
i want change this login.php to sha1 password, i already change it, but dont work.. can help?
PHP код:
include "koneksi.php";
go('index.php', 'You already logged in.');
if(!isset($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']))
go('index.php', 'Please fillout all required forms.');
$query = $koneksi->prepare("SELECT `level`,`name` from `player` where `name` = ? and `password` = ?");
$query->execute(array($_POST['username'], strtoupper(hash("whirlpool", $_POST['password']))));
if($query->rowCount() > 0)
$data = $query->fetch();
go('index.php', 'Succesfully logged in.');
$_SESSION['playername'] = $data['name'];
$_SESSION['playerlevel'] = $data['level'];
go('index.php', 'Wrong username or password.');