
Hey guys, can you pls help me understand what's wrong with this part of code.. I just don't get it..

pawn Код:
forward InsertDataMySQL(username[],password[], email[], country[], city[]);
public InsertDataMySQL(username[],password[], email[], country[], city[])
    new Query[2048];
    format(Query, sizeof(Query), "INSERT INTO `accounts` ( `Username` ,`Email`, `Password`, `City`, `Country`, `Gender`, `Level`, `HoursPlayed`, `Admin`, `Helper`, `AccountType`, `Ruby`, `Cash`, `Score`, `Votes`, `LastLogin`, `NameBanned`, `Muted`, `Jailed`, `Warnings`) VALUES ( '%s' ,'%s', md5('%e'), '%s', '%s', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, yep, 0, 0, 0, 0)", username, email, password, city, country);
    if(mysql_query(MYSQL_handle, Query) )
        printf("[MySQL] Account %s succesfully created!", username);
    else {
        print("[MySQL] Account creation failed!");
        printf("%s", Query);
    return 1;

What is yep? try doing it with 'yep'

I did that part just for testing.
EDIT: Now it works..lel you saved my lfie.

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