Scripting Help Needed - Payment Upon Completion

Hey guys,

So I'm looking to re-open my Role Play server however there are still a lot of things that need to be added or fixed on the actual script. The script uses MySQL, and everything is linked up with the SQL database.

The main things I would like added would be a new smuggling system for gangs/mafia, a key system for houses and cars, a house rental system and a level up system that benefits you from perk upgrades such as 'luck' or 'strength' etc.

There are quite a few things needed to be done, so if anyone is interested or would know how to add or fix these things please please please contact me via skype, or email or direct message on forums. I am willing to pay once these things are added/fixed along with a few more things, and once the server is up and running donations will also be proceeded to further updates!

Skype: z.shiraz

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