Problem opening a SA:MP server on Windows Server 2012 R2

Hello everyone.
Do someone know if SA:MP Windows Server work on a dedicate server (Host) with Windows Server 2012 R2?
Is not like on normal windows that we got at home. Is a windows for servers as dedicate.
I forwarded the port 7777 for samp server on UDP and TCP wit hspecify program on samp server.exe
Also I get server online but not hosted for players.(cant be see online on servers list)
I dont think that SA:MP server support Windows Server, just normal Windows.
If someone know how to make it to work, please help me. Mby one of you had same problem in the past.
Thank you.

I guess noone know how to fix this problem....

I can't really understand what do you mean. Online tab? No, it does not work and your server will not be shown under this tab - it shows same as hosted one.

Originally Posted by cdoubleoper
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I can't really understand what do you mean. Online tab? No, it does not work and your server will not be shown under this tab - it shows same as hosted one.
Let me explain.
I bought a dedicate server (VPS/Host) for my SA:MP server.
Here I want to host my SA:MP server.

I got port 7777 forward as UDP and TCP.
Also I give all permisions to samp_server.exe , samp_npc.exe and Announce.exe from firewall.

I can open server w/o any problem but when I give to someone the ip connection, he cant log in. Server shows as is down (Retrieving info...).
In my PC, I can connect to the server because Remote Desktop Connection create a Local Area. Just others cant connect.
Tryed to test on SACNR and my server is not hosted and monitoring.

With others IP servers that I got at Favorites, they are Hosted and Monitored.

What is wrong with the host?
Can be that SA:MP not support Windows Server, problems in Script (also tested with others server and got same problem, event the original clean from, or what other problem can be?

Disable firewall.

Worked with my server tho.

And sa-mp fully supports windows server 2012 r2 or 2008, it's not host problem.

Btw, you can also ask your hosting provider to open port 7777 for you, cause sometimes it's not opened by host.

If I dissable Fire Wall, still not working...
Also I had a Lineage 2 Interlude server opened on this VPS and had 300+ppl, so why with SA:MP server dont work if in past it works?

did you unblock port 7777 udp in both inbound/outbound rules? use to check whether your port is open or not

ot: LOL first time seeing an i7-4790k for a VM XD

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