Server won't start on Debian VPS

Hey guys,

I know it may of been asked before, but my problem isn't related to the "permission denied" or "file or directory not found" issue. I've chmod 777 and set the permissions, all works fine. When I
cd samp03
nohup ./samp03svr &
it says "nohup: ignoring input and appending output to 'nohup.out'" as usual (I think) and that's all. I click on my SAMP server in the samp browser list, and it just says "retrieving info". Not sure what I'm doing wrong as I'm completely new to Debian and Putty.

I connected using FTP and viewed the server log... The server hasn't even tried to start. I think I may be forgetting to do something?

Any help is appreciated.
Thank you

Is the ping changing or not?if it's changing,and do you have 'query 1'on your server.cfg?

Nah it's not changing.. Nothing at all.

I had recently apt-get install ia32-libs and it wasn't working, so I installed it another way and it said I had another package that does the same thing but with a similar name..
I just did apt-get install lib32stdc++6 and then ./samp03svr & and it turned on the server. I closed putty and the server turned off. Opened Putty back up again and typed nohup ./samp03svr & and then closed PuTTY and the server stayed on.. Working fine now, thanks!

How does that work? haha

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