Small Weather system not working.

Hello, i tried to make a automatic weather system that change the weather for everyone.

WeatherOnPlayerConnect(playerid) {
	SetTimerEx("RandomWeather", 12000, false, "i", playerid);

forward RandomWeather();
public RandomWeather()
	new weather;
	weather = random(20);
	foreach(Player, i) {
This should change every 12 seconds (Testing, will change it later), But it's actually not working at all.

Don't worry the "WeatherOnPlayerConnect" is defined in OnPlayerConnect.
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) {	
	return 0;
Can somebody give me some tips and help me out?

On Timer you are using false which means that it will not be repeated. I guess you know that.
Also why you return 0; OnPlayerConnect?
2: You don't return any value on a public callback.
3: Change it and put it under OnGameModeInit (Sickattack mentioned it!)

Use a global timer that repeats. Put it under OnGameModeInit.

It's working now the problem was the 'false' forgot to change that

Thanks for the quick respond

There are so many things wrong here, and you're not listening.

If you're going to use a loop in your timer, you should be using a GLOBAL timer, not a PER-PLAYER timer. Aka SetTimer, not SetTimerEx.

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