Ubuntu Server 16.04.1 LTS

Hello everyone, one of my friends had his 15 years old PC with single core AMD I think it`s around 1,6 GHz, then 2GB of ram and old graphic card with 256Mb. So I wanted to use it like my personal VPS. Good news is that PC is working good. But I want to install Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS version on that PC, so I need kindly little help. I can`t find proper version of it becouse it has a lot on the website, so can anyone helps me which version should I install (It will be 32bit one but which there are around 3 different version) ? Please reply fast.

Page which I used to see versions and types is: http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/

You need to use a i386 version. Desktop or server depends on what you want, Desktop version is "windows style", server style comes without a graphical interface (command line only). Id suggest the server variant, as 1.6ghz single core isnt great and youd lose a bunch of performance for the GUI alone.

Originally Posted by Mauzen
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You need to use a i386 version. Desktop or server depends on what you want, Desktop version is "windows style", server style comes without a graphical interface (command line only). Id suggest the server variant, as 1.6ghz single core isnt great and youd lose a bunch of performance for the GUI alone.
Aha, ok. Thank you so much.

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