13.01.2009, 17:41
Cosmy's Color Functions 0.1
pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m3bfc2fd5
/******************************************************************************/ /* Type: Stock function Function: color_MakeColor(colorname[], a, r, g, b); Params: colorname[] -> Is the color name a -> The alpha color [must be between 0 and 255] r -> The red color [must be between 0 and 255] g -> The green color [must be between 0 and 255] b -> The blue color [must be between 0 and 255] Return: Return 0 if the function has errors else return 1 Bugs: I found an bug with "fwrite()" function... do not make a new line!!! Example: color_MakeColor("COLOR_RED", 255, 255, 0, 0); */ /******************************************************************************/
/******************************************************************************/ /* Type: Stock function Function: color_GetError(); Params: Return: Return the "color_MakeColor()" error (if have) Bugs: Example: color_MakeColor("COLOR_RED", 256, 255, 0, 0); new error[100]; error = color_GetError(); printf(error); */ /******************************************************************************/