13.08.2016, 16:51
My Error Is That The Person Who Kill Not Get Scores As Bonus But The Other Player Who Got Killed Got The Scores As Bonus
new text[128]; Streak[killerid] ++; if(Streak[killerid] == 3) { format(text, sizeof(text), "%s is is on (3 killing spree)!", PlayerName2(killerid)); SendClientMessageToAll(orange, text); SendClientMessage(killerid, lightblue, "You get $1500 and +2 score! (killing spree bonus)"); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 1500); GivePlayerScore(playerid, 2); } if(Streak[killerid] == 5) { format(text, sizeof(text), "%s is is on (5 killing spree)!", PlayerName2(killerid)); SendClientMessageToAll(orange, text); SendClientMessage(killerid, lightblue, "You get $2500 and +3 score! (killing spree bonus)"); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 2500); GivePlayerScore(playerid, 3); } if(Streak[killerid] == 10) { format(text, sizeof(text), "%s is on (10 killing spree)!", PlayerName2(killerid)); SendClientMessageToAll(orange, text); SendClientMessage(killerid, lightblue, "You get $5000 and +4 score! (killing spree bonus)"); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 5000); GivePlayerScore(playerid, 4); } if(Streak[killerid] == 15) { format(text, sizeof(text), "%s is is on (15 killing spree)!", PlayerName2(killerid)); SendClientMessageToAll(orange, text); SendClientMessage(killerid, lightblue, "You get $7 500 and +6 score! (killing spree bonus)"); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 7500); GivePlayerScore(playerid, 6); } if(Streak[killerid] == 20) { format(text, sizeof(text), "%s is is on (20 killing spree)!", PlayerName2(killerid)); SendClientMessageToAll(orange, text); SendClientMessage(killerid, lightblue, "You get $12 500 and +10 score! (killing spree bonus)"); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 12500); GivePlayerScore(playerid, 10); } if(Streak[killerid] == 25) { format(text, sizeof(text), "%s is is on (25 killing spree)!", PlayerName2(killerid)); SendClientMessageToAll(orange, text); SendClientMessage(killerid, lightblue, "You get $20 000 and +15 score! (killing spree bonus)"); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 20000); GivePlayerScore(playerid, 15); } if(Streak[killerid] == 50) { format(text, sizeof(text), "%s is on (50 killing spree)!", PlayerName2(killerid)); SendClientMessageToAll(orange, text); SendClientMessage(killerid, lightblue, "You get $50 000 and +20 score! (killing spree bonus)"); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 50000); GivePlayerScore(playerid, 20); } if(Streak[killerid] == 100) { format(text, sizeof(text), "%s is on (100 killing spree)!", PlayerName2(killerid)); SendClientMessageToAll(orange, text); SendClientMessage(killerid, lightblue, "You get $1 00 000 and +20 score! (killing spree bonus)"); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 100000); GivePlayerScore(playerid, 20); } } Anti_heal[playerid] = 0; Anti_Give[playerid] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][Deaths] ++; PlayerInfo[killerid][Kills] ++; #if defined ENABLE_SPEC for(new x=0; x<MAX_PLAYERS; x++) if(GetPlayerState(x) == PLAYER_STATE_SPECTATING && PlayerInfo[x][SpecID] == playerid) AdvanceSpectate(x); #endif } return 1; } stock GivePlayerScore(playerid, score) { SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid)+score); return 1; }