31.07.2016, 22:15
Hello, i've added a cmd (/offlinestats)
When i use this command, it doesn't work and it shows this in the logs
And it doesn't show anything at mysql logs
Here you are the loadstats and loadstats2 code
Load stats>>>>
And about loadstats2
here is the main CMD
When i use this command, it doesn't work and it shows this in the logs
[05:35:11] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [05:35:11] [debug] Accessing element at index 420 past array upper bound 99 [05:35:11] [debug] AMX backtrace: [05:35:11] [debug] #0 0011d230 in public LoadStats (0, 4770352) from UoS.amx
Here you are the loadstats and loadstats2 code
Load stats>>>>
function LoadStats(playerid, PlayersName[]) { if(!MySQL_rowCount()) { format(str, sizeof(str), ""RED_E"[ERROR] "GREY_E"Account '%s' does not exist.", PlayersName); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, str); } else { pAdmin[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 0); pTotalHours[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 1); pTotalMinutes[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 2); pTotalSeconds[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 3); pInfo[p3][pKills] = MySQL_getInt(0, 4); pInfo[p3][pDeaths] = MySQL_getInt(0, 5); pCash[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 6); pScore[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 7); pPremium[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 8); pInfo[p3][pSaveSkin] = MySQL_getInt(0, 9); pCookies[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 10); pInfo[p3][pEventsWon] = MySQL_getInt(0, 11); pInfo[p3][pRacesWon] = MySQL_getInt(0, 12); pInfo[p3][pMBFound] = MySQL_getInt(0, 13); MySQL_getString(0, 14, pRegDate[p3]); MySQL_getString(0, 15, pLastDate[p3]); BankMoney[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 16); reactionsWon[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 17); pArrests[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 18); TotalKillStreak[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 19); MySQL_getString(0, 20, pDescription[p3]); pDuelsWon[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 21); pFallouts[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 22); pClanID[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 23); pClanRank[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 24); pDerbys[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 25); pCookieJars[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 26); pSpawnPlace[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 27); mathsWon[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 28); pReportPoints[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 29); Helper[p3] = MySQL_getInt(0, 30); format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT cName FROM clans WHERE cID=%d", pClanID[p3]); MySQL_query(query, true, "LoadStats2", "is", playerid, PlayersName); } return true; }
function LoadStats2(playerid, PlayersName[]) { // Main Statistics if(MySQL_rowCount()) { cache_get_row(0, 0, pClanName[p3]); } new line4[700]; new line3[2000]; new str3[80], str4[80], str7[80], str11[140]; switch(pAdmin[p3]) { case 0: { if(pPremium[p3] > 0) { if(pPremium[p3] == 3) { if(premiumExpired[p3] != 0) str3 = ""LB2_E"> Status: "LB_E"VIP Player (Temporary)"; else str3 = ""LB2_E"> Status: "LB_E"VIP Player"; } else { if(premiumExpired[p3] != 0) format(str3, sizeof(str3), ""LB2_E"> Status: "WHITE_E"Premium Member (Level: %d) (Temp)", pPremium[p3]); else format(str3, sizeof(str3), ""LB2_E"> Status: "WHITE_E"Premium Member (Level: %d)", pPremium[p3]); } } else str3 = ""LB2_E"> Status: "WHITE_E"Regular Player"; if(Helper[p3] != 0) str3 = ""LB2_E"> Status: "GREEN_E"Helper"; } case 1: str3 = ""LB2_E"> Status: "GREEN_E"Trial Administrator"; case 2: str3 = ""LB2_E"> Status: "LB_E"Administrator"; case 3: str3 = ""LB2_E"> Status: "YELLOW_E"Super Administrator"; case 4: str3 = ""LB2_E"> Status: "ORANGE_E"Advanced Administrator"; case 5: str3 = ""LB2_E"> Status: "DARK_E"Experienced Administrator"; case 6: str3 = ""LB2_E"> Status: "GREEN_E"Senior Administrator"; case 7: str3 = ""LB2_E"> Status: "LB_E"Superme Administrator"; case 8: str3 = ""LB2_E"> Status: "YELLOW_E"Elite Administrator"; case 9: str3 = ""LB2_E"> Status: "ORANGE_E"Professional Administrator"; case 10: str3 = ""LB2_E"> Status: "DARK_E"Master Administrator"; case 11: str3 = ""LB2_E"> Status: "GREEN_E"Lead Administrator"; case 12: str3 = ""LB2_E"> Status: "LB_E"Head Administrator"; case 13: str3 = ""LB2_E"> Status: "YELLOW_E"Server Manager"; case 14: str3 = ""LB2_E"> Status: "ORANGE_E"Head Manager"; case 15: str3 = ""LB2_E"> Status: "DARK_E"Server Owner"; } if(pHidden[p3] != 0) str3 = ""LB2_E"> Status: "WHITE_E"Regular Player"; //new pCity[28]; if(pClanID[p3] != -1) { format(str11, sizeof(str11), ""LB2_E"> Clan: "WHITE_E"%s "RED_E"|| "LB2_E"Rank: "WHITE_E"%s", pClanName[p3], GangPositions[pClanRank[p3]][E_gang_pos_name]); } else format(str11, sizeof(str11), ""LB2_E"> Clan: "WHITE_E"None "RED_E"|| "LB2_E"Rank: "WHITE_E"None"); /*GetPlayerCity(p3, pCity, sizeof(pCity)); format(str9, sizeof(str9), ""LB2_E"> Country: "WHITE_E"%s "RED_E"|| "LB2_E"City: "WHITE_E"%s "RED_E"|| "LB2_E"GMT: "WHITE_E"%d", pCountry[p3], pCity, GetPlayerGMT(p3));*/ //format(str9, sizeof(str9), ""LB2_E"> Country: "WHITE_E"- "RED_E"|| "LB2_E"City: "WHITE_E"- "RED_E"|| "LB2_E"GMT: "WHITE_E"-"); format(line4, sizeof(line4), ""WHITEP_E"%s's stats:\n\n{FF4545}Main Statistics:\n%s\n\ "LB2_E"> Score: "WHITE_E"%d\n"LB2_E"> Cookies: "WHITE_E"%d\n"LB2_E"> Money: "LG_E"$"WHITE_E"%s\n"LB2_E"> Bank Money: "LG_E"$"WHITE_E"%s\n%s\n\n", PlayersName, str3, pScore[p3], pCookies[p3], ToCurrency(pCash[p3]), ToCurrency(BankMoney[p3]), str11); strcat(line3, line4); /// General Statistics if(pTotalHours[p3] == 0) { if(pTotalMinutes[p3] == 0) { format(str4, sizeof(str4), ""LB2_E"> Total Online Time: "WHITE_E"%d seconds", pTotalSeconds[p3]); } else format(str4, sizeof(str4), ""LB2_E"> Total Online Time: "WHITE_E"%d minutes and %d seconds", pTotalMinutes[p3], pTotalSeconds[p3]); } else format(str4, sizeof(str4), ""LB2_E"> Total Online Time: "WHITE_E"%d hours, %d minutes and %d seconds", pTotalHours[p3], pTotalMinutes[p3], pTotalSeconds[p3]); format(line4, sizeof(line4), "{FF4545}General Statistics:\n"LB2_E"> Member Since: "WHITE_E"%s\n"LB2_E"> Last Online: "WHITE_E"%s\n%s\n", pRegDate[p3], pLastDate[p3], str4); strcat(line3, line4); format(line4, sizeof(line4), ""LB2_E"> Kills: "WHITE_E"%d / "LB2_E"Deaths: "WHITE_E"%d "RED_E"|| "LB2_E"KDR: "WHITE_E"%0.2f\n"LB2_E"> Highest Killstreak: "WHITE_E"%d\n\ \n", pInfo[p3][pKills], pInfo[p3][pDeaths], Float:pInfo[p3][pKills]/Float:pInfo[p3][pDeaths], TotalKillStreak[p3]); strcat(line3, line4); // Other Statistics switch(pSpawnPlace[p3]) { case -1: str7 = ""LB2_E"> Spawn Place: "WHITE_E"Random."; case 0: str7 = ""LB2_E"> Spawn Place: "WHITE_E"San Fierro"; case 1: str7 = ""LB2_E"> Spawn Place: "WHITE_E"Bayside"; case 2: str7 = ""LB2_E"> Spawn Place: "WHITE_E"Abandoned Airport"; case 3: str7 = ""LB2_E"> Spawn Place: "WHITE_E"Las Venturas Airport"; case 4: str7 = ""LB2_E"> Spawn Place: "WHITE_E"HalfPipe"; case 5: str7 = ""LB2_E"> Spawn Place: "WHITE_E"San Fierro Airport"; case 6: str7 = ""LB2_E"> Spawn Place: "WHITE_E"Own House."; } format(line4, sizeof(line4), "{FF4545}Other Statistics:\n%s\n"LB2_E"> Skin ID: "WHITE_E"%d\n"LB2_E"> Duels Won: "WHITE_E"%d\n"LB2_E"> Events Won: "WHITE_E"%d\n"LB2_E"> Arrests: "WHITE_E"%d\n\ "LB2_E"> Races Won: "WHITE_E"%d\n"LB2_E"> Moneybags Found: "WHITE_E"%d\n"LB2_E"> Cookie Jars Found: "WHITE_E"%d\n", str7, GetPlayerSkin(p3), pDuelsWon[p3], pInfo[p3][pEventsWon], pArrests[p3], pInfo[p3][pRacesWon], pInfo[p3][pMBFound], pCookieJars[p3]); strcat(line3, line4); format(line4, sizeof(line4), ""LB2_E"> Reactions Won: "WHITE_E"%d\n"LB2_E"> Math Quiz's Won: "WHITE_E"%d\n"LB2_E"> Fallouts Won: "WHITE_E"%d\n"LB2_E"> Derbys Won: "WHITE_E"%d\n"LB2_E"> Report Points: "WHITE_E"%d\ \n\n"LB2_E"> Description:\n "WHITEP_E"%s\n", reactionsWon[p3], mathsWon[p3], pFallouts[p3], pDerbys[p3], pReportPoints[p3], pDescription[p3]); strcat(line3, line4); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, NO_DIALOG, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""ORANGE_E"UoS: "WHITE_E"Offline Statistics", line3, "Close", ""); }
CMD:offlinestats(playerid, params[]) return cmd_ostats(playerid, params); CMD:ostats(playerid, params[]) { if(pLogged[playerid] == false) { Error(playerid, "You must be logged in to check statistics!"); return true; } if(sscanf(params, "s[24]", tmp)) { Usage(playerid, "/ostats <player name>"); return true; } foreach(Player, ii) { GetPlayerName(ii, PlayerName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); if(!strcmp(PlayerName, tmp, true)) { Error(playerid, "Player is online, you can use /stats on them."); return true; } } // Load User Data new cVar[500]; new cQuery[600]; strcat(cVar, "adminlevel,hours,minutes,seconds,kills,deaths,money,score,premium,saveskin,cookies,events_won,races_won,MB_found,reg_time,last_time,"); strcat(cVar, "bmoney,rtests,arrests,killstreak,description,duels_won,fallouts,clan_id,clan_rank,derby_wins,cookiejars,spawnplace,maths,report_points,helper"); new escaped_name[24]; mysql_real_escape_string(tmp, escaped_name); format(cQuery, sizeof(cQuery), "SELECT %s FROM players WHERE name='%s' LIMIT 1", cVar, escaped_name); MySQL_query(cQuery, true, "LoadStats", "is", playerid, escaped_name); return true; }