27.06.2016, 21:43
Последний раз редактировалось Youssefree; 28.06.2016 в 15:27.
Причина: Pictures
I'm using this iPhone S filterscript
iPhone Filterscript
The Gamemode
But i want use the call option in the GM as call option in fs
so it will be like that , maybe ..
+ please i want some script to replace the Cellphone in 24/7Market by this iPhone fs

Thanks for helping and i'll give you +REP for this Help !
I'm using this iPhone S filterscript
iPhone Filterscript
The Gamemode
But i want use the call option in the GM as call option in fs
so it will be like that , maybe ..
/call %a%%b%%c%%d%

Thanks for helping and i'll give you +REP for this Help !