26.06.2016, 15:08
In the last 3 or 4 years of SA-MP I've always noticed numerous of players putting the "Z" word at the end and frankly it didn't interest me until now.Is this a thing or something?I mean why the letter "Z".
Looks like more and more players put that letter at the end of there SA-MP username.When I thought things couldn't get worse, they do.Those so called "Z" players start even talking like that, putting the word "z" at the end of the word lol..So I am quite curious to why is that a thing?And even is that "Z" pronounced as Zee or Zh.I'm betting a 100% that a player that has that username wont even know why he put it as that, his or her answer would probably be I saw someone else using it.
So the clue remains to be unsolved, I don't even know when or why this started, anyone else knows..?
Looks like more and more players put that letter at the end of there SA-MP username.When I thought things couldn't get worse, they do.Those so called "Z" players start even talking like that, putting the word "z" at the end of the word lol..So I am quite curious to why is that a thing?And even is that "Z" pronounced as Zee or Zh.I'm betting a 100% that a player that has that username wont even know why he put it as that, his or her answer would probably be I saw someone else using it.
So the clue remains to be unsolved, I don't even know when or why this started, anyone else knows..?