Portforwarding Not Working on Linksys WRT54G

I have tried everything, it just won't work. One of my main problems is the DNS Server Addresses, I know how to get the first one, but I cannot get the second one.

Solved - Its the GF Edit I have. [Time to start scripting!]

Edit: It was actually my server. I failed to update to the 0.2x server for some odd ass reason.

I got the problem fixed.

What I did was created a static IP by clicking start > run > and then typing cmd. > Then you type ipconfig/all > then click the computer with three bars next to it on the toolbar > then click properties > then scroll down until you see Internet Protocol, click it, then click properties > Now check "Use the following IP Address > Then copy everything from the black CMD file (not the ip).

Do you see the IP Address in the black cmd file?
Copy it into your address bar and hit enter.
Now scroll down until you see Local IP Address
If your address, then use something like on the IP Properties. Then hit okay on the IP properties and exit all of that.

Now go back to your Router Site and click on Applications and Gaming.
Type application name you want.
Use 7777 as the start and 7788 as the end
Use both as the protocol
Then where is says IP Address, use the one you used back in the ip properties setup.
Then check enable and save it.
It should be working now...

I have the same router, But i have extended Ethernet, So i can connect from much further away :P

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